The P2 is a “set and forget” Loudness pilot and Limiter for Post production and Broadcast. It is designed especially for fixed installations where a consistent loudness and spectral balance is required but excels also in peak limiting functions.
Factory loaded with a broad selection of World Standard Presets the P2 can be used right out of the box. However, via the TC Icon PC Editor, suitable presets can be built by the Administrator and various lock functions can be applied to ensure no unintended change of settings by the daily User. Once setup and loaded with presets any person doing video editing, audio production, audio mixing or
•Audio editing for video
•Audio or tape copying
•Presets can be picked by non technical personnel with full confidence in output quality.
•Presets can be created by Audio Expert via TC Icon Software Editor.
•Easy cloning of multiple P2’s via standard PCMCIA card.
•Dual mono, Stereo and Wide Stereo processing
•ALC - Automatic Loudness Control
•Filters and Parameteric EQ
•Live updatable Delay
•Brickwall Limiter
•24 bit resolution Analog and Digital I/O
•48 bit internal processing
•Sample Rate Conversion selectable on/off
•All features mentioned available simultaneously
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