In Gain
Range: 0dB to Off
Separate level controls for Left and Right Input (A and B).
Phase Inv
Range: Normal/Inverted
Press to phase invert channels A, B or both.
Delay alignment of the Input channels. Depending on selected Configuration type, either one common Delay setting or individual delay settings are available.
Delay Unit
Range: ms, 24fps, 25fps, 30fps
With this parameter it is possible to select which unit the Delay parameter should be shown in. Changing this parameter does not affect the actual delay value.
Lo Cut
Range: Off to 200Hz
Second order LoCut filter on both Inputs.
Hi Cut
Range: Off to 3 kHz
8th order HiCut filter on both Inputs.
Look-ahead Dly
If the 5 band Compression sections is set to use a very short Attack times (up to approx 10- 15ms) overshoots may occur. The Look Ahead function allows the P2 to evaluate the material just before processing and artifacts can thereby be prevented.
Be aware that the Look Ahead delay function actually delays the Output signal.