The OVEN TEMP controlis locatedon thecontrolpanelon the frontof the range(seepage6).
Simplyturn theknobtothedesired cookingtemperatures,whichare markedin 25“F.incrementson the did. It willnormallytake60 secondsbeforetheflamecomeson.
Afterthe ovenreachestheselected temperature,theovenburnercycles— offcolnpletely,thenon witha fill
(onmodelsso equipped)
Usethe switchon the controlpanel to turn the lighton andoff.
Toremovethe shelvesfromthe oven,pLdlthemtowardyou,tflt frontendupwardandpu~themout.
Toreplace, placeshelfon shelf supportwith
The ovenhas fourshelfsupports—
A(bottom),B, C and D (top). Shelfpositionsfor cookingare suggestedon BakingandRoasting pages.
The ovenis ventedthroughduct openingsat the centerrear of the range,(seepage6). Do notblock theseopeningswhencookingin th(
~Ventopeningsand nearby surfaces maybecomehot. Do not
touch them.
@Han&es of pots and panson thf cooktopmayb~ome hot if left too closeto the vent.
@Do not leavepIasticitemson the
Theshelvesare designedwithstop- locksso whenplacedcorrectlyon theshelfsupports,theywillstop beforecomingcompletelyoutof theovenand wi~nottilt whenyou are removingfoodfromthemor placingfoodon them.
?Vhenplacingcookwareon a shelf, pullthe shelfoutto the “stop” position.Placethe cookwareon fileshelf, then slidethe shelfback intothe oven.ThiswUIeliminate reachingintothe hotoven.
As yourovenheatsup, the temperaturechangeofthe air in the ovenmaycausewater dropletsto form on the door glass. Topreventthis, openthe ovendoor for the first minute of