| Drawer | Burners |
| Broiler | RaweTop |
TIICoven door is removableto | To remove: | Theholesin theburnersofyour |
makethe interiormoreaccessible. | 1. Whenbroileris cool,remove | rangemustbe keptcleanat all |
| timesfor properignitionandan | |
| rack andpan. | |
| even,unhamperedflame. | |
| |
| Youshouldcleantheburners |
| routinelyandespeciallyafierbad |
| spilloverswhichcouldclogthese |
| holes.Burnersliftrightoutfor |
| cleaning. |
Toremovethe door, openit a few inchesto the specialstopposition thatwillholdthedooropen. Grasp firmlyon eachsideandliftthedoor straightup and offthehinges.
Note:Becarefulnotto placehands betweenthe springhingeandthe ovendoor frameas the hingecould snapbackand pinchfingers.
Washwithhot, soapywater.For stubbornspots,use a solutionof vinegarandwater.Do notimmerse the door in water.
Toreplace the door, makesure the hingesare in the “out”position. Positionthe slotsin thebottomof the door squarelyoverthe hinges. Thenlowerthe door slowlyand evenlyoverbothhingesat the same time. If hingessnapbackagainst the ovenframe, pullthembackout.
Ovenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith
amild abrasivecleanserfollowing manufacturer’sdirections.Afier cieaning,rinsetheshelveswithclean waterand dry with a dry cloth. To
2.Pullthebroilerdraweroutuntil it stops,thenpushit backin about oneinch.
3.Grasphandle,lifiandpull broilerdrawerout(liftthe rollers locatedunderthe draweroverthe rollerguidestopsin therange).
To replace:
1.Put the rollersunderthebroiler drawerbehindtherollerguide stopsin therange.
2.Holdthebroilerdrawerin tie raisedpositionas youslideit partwayintothe range.Thenlower the drawerandpushit completely closed.
BroilerRn & Rack
Afierbroiling,removethe broiler rack and carefilly pour offthe grease.Washand rinsethe rack in hot, soapywater.
If foodhasburnedon, sprinkle the rack whilehot withdetergent and coverwithwetpapertowelsor
adish cloth.
Do not storea soiledbroilerpan and rack in the ovenor broiler compartment.
Note:A screwholdseachof
the burnersin placeto keepthem fromwobblingaroundduring shipment.Removeanddiscardthe shippingscrew.Tiltthe burnerto the rightto releaseits twotabsfrom slotsin theburnersupportand movethe burnertowardthebackof the range.Thisdisengagesit from the gasvalveat thefrontofthe range,and it litisouteasily.
Beforeputtingtheburnerback,dry it thoroughlyby settingit in a warm ovenfor 30 minutes.Thenplaceit back in the range,makingsureit is properlyseatedandlevel.