Roas~ingis cookingbydry heat. Tendermeator poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,which shouldbelow and steady,keep spatteringto a minimum.When roasting,it is notnecessaryto sear, baste,coveror add waterto your meat. Roastingis easy,just follow thesesteps:
Step 1: Positionovenshelfat secondfrom bottomposition(B) for smW sizeroast (~to 5 lbs.) and at bottomposition(A)for larger roasts.
Step2: Checkweightof roast. Placemeatfat sideup or poultry brsast sideup on roastingrack in a shallowpan. Themeltingfatwill bastethemeat. Selecta pan as closeto the sizeofthe meatas possible.(Broilerpan withrack is a goodpanfor this.)
Step ~: firn OVENTEMl?to desiredtemperature.Checkthe RoastingGuidefor temperatures andapproximatecookingtimes.
Step 4: Mostmeab continueto
to 10T.lessthantemperatureon guide.
Frozenroastsofbeef,pork, lamb,etc.canbe startedwithout thawhg,butallow15to 25 minutes perpoundadditionaltime(15 minutesperpoundforroastsunder5 pounds,moretimefor largerroasts).
Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness. Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbe cookedsuccess~y without thawing.Followdirectionsgivenon packer’slabel.
Tendercuts;rib,highquality sirlointip,rumpor topround*
~b legor
Vd shoulder,legor loin*
Wrkloin,ribor shodded
Oven |
mpemture | Doneness |
| 3 toSIk. | 6 |
325° |
| |||
| Mdum | |||
| Mll Done | |||
325° |
| |||
| Medium | %28 | ||
| WellDone | |||
325° | Wll Done | 3545 | ||
325° | WellDone | 3545 | 3W | |
325° | ToWarm | |||
| Under10lb. | 10tQSlk |
325° | Wel Done | 170° |
Bultry |
| 3 b | Wr 5 lhs. |
Chickenor Duck | 325° | WefiDone | 354 | ||
Chickenpi= | 375° | WellDone |
| ||
| 10toElk | Qver15lb | h this: |
firkey | 325° | WeflDone |