Yourrange,like manyother
householditems,isheavy and can settleintosoft floorcoverings suchas cushionedvinylor carpeting.Whenmovingthe range on this typeof flooring,use care, andit is recommendedthatthese simpleandinexpensiveinstructions be followed.
The rangeshouldbe installedon
asheetofplywood(or similar material)as follows:men the floor coveringendsat thefront of the range,the area thatthe range willrest on shouldbe builtup with plywoodto the samelevelor higher than the floorcovering.Thiswill allowthe rangeto be movedfor cleaningor servicing.
bveli~ the Range
Levelinglegsare locatedon each corner of thebase of therange.
Yourrangemustbe levelin orderto producepropercookingandbaking rcsulfi.Afterit isin itsfinallocation, placea levelhortiontaUyon an ovenshelfandcheckthe levelness frontto backand sideto side. Level the rangeby adjustingtheleveling legsor byplacingshimsunderthe cornersas needed.
One ofthe rear levelinglegswill engagethe