| ||
| ~ SoapandWater | Drainfat, coolpanandrackslightly.(Donotlet soiledpanandrackstandinoventocool.)Spriidde | ||||||
| ondetergent.Fillthepanwithwarmwaterandspreadclothor papertoweloverthe rack.bt pan | |||||||
| ~ PlasticScouringPad | andrackstandfora fw minutes.Wash;scourif | Rinseanddry.O~ION: Thebroilerpan | |||||
| e DishwasherSafe | andrackmayalsobecleanedin a dishwasher. |
| ||||
| ~MildSoapandWater | Pulloffknobs.Washgently,butdonotsoak,Dryandreturncontrolstorange. |
| |||||
| @SoapandWater | Washall glasswithclothdampenedin soapywater.Rinseandpolishwitha drycloth.If knobsm | ||||||
| Emoved,donotrdlw watertorundowninsidethesti~ | ofglasswhilecleaning, |
| ||||
Metal, kcluding | ~SoapandWater | ~ | ~~ | USEs&lWOO~, | Wash,rinseandthenpolishwitha drycloth. |
| ||
Chrome~m Strips |
| abrasives,ammonia,acidsor |
| ||
andBwhed Chrome |
| commercialovencleaners |
| ||
Coohtop |
PorcelainEnameland | * PaperTmel | DQ N~ | USEovencleaners, | Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratch | ||||
Wnted Sutiac& | @DryCloth | cleansingpowdersorharsh | the surface. |
| |||
| @SoapandWater | abrasives. | If acidsshouldsp~ onthe rangewhileit is hot, usea drypaper | |||||
| towelor clothto wipeuprightawayWhenthe. sufice has |
| ||
| cooled,washandrinse. |
| ||
| %r otherspills,suchasfat smatterings,etc., washwithsoapand | |||
| waterwhencooledandthenrinse.Polishwithdry cloth. |
| ||
Outsideof men Mr | e SoapandWater | ~ | N~ | USEovencleanem, | Usesoapandwatertothoroughlycleanthetop,sidesandfront | |||
| cleansingpowdersorharsh | oftheovendoor, |
| |||
| abmsives. |
| |||||
| |||
| Rinsewell. |
| |
| N- | Soapleftondoorlinercauseaadditionalstaimwhen | ||
| theovenis reheated. |
| ||
SheIvea | @SoapandWater | Yourshelvescanbe cleanedbyusinganyor all mentionedmaterials.Rinsethoroughlyto removeall | ||||||
| materialsaftercleaning.NCYTE:Somecommercialovencleanerscausedarkeningand |
| ||||||
| *CommercialOvenCleaner | discolorationWhenusingfor. firsttime,testcleaneronsmallpartof shelfandcheckfor |
| |||||
| discolorationbeforecompletelycleaning. |
| |||
SurfaceBurner | @SoapandWater | Liftoiltwhencool.Soak5 to 10minutesif desiredin solutionof warmwateranddishwasher |
| |||||
Gmtes | detergent.Scourwithmaterialsmentionedhereto |
| ||||||
SufiaceBmers | ~Solutionfor Cleaning | Wipeoffburnerheads.If heavyspilloveroccurs,removeburnersfromrange(seepage 19)andsoak | ||||||
| bside ofCoffeeMakers | themfor20 to 30minutesin solutionofhotwaterandproductforcleaninginsideofcoffeemakers, | ||||||
| gSoapandWater | suchas | ||||||
| ~MildAbrasiveCleanser | mildabrasivecleanseranda dampcloth.Dryburnersina warmovenfor30minutesbefore |
| |||||
| ~DampCloth | returningthemto therange, |
| ||
| e SoapandWater | Coolpanslightiy.SpriMe ondetergentandwashor scourpanwithwarmwater.Rinseanddry.In | ||||||
| addition,panmayalsobe cleanedin thedishwasher. |
| |||||
| |
| ~ PlasticScouring%d |
| ~DishwasherSafe |
| e |
| mseebelow | placedoorunderrunningwater,or immerse.Usesame | ||||||
| directionsforcleaningas forOvenLiner,below. |
| ||||
OvenLiner | @SoapandWater | Coolbeforecleaning.Frequentwipingswithmildsoapandwater(particularlyaftercookingmeat) | ||||||
(CAUT?ON:Whenoven | * CommercialOvenCleaner willprolongtimebetweenmajorcleanings.RinsethoroughlySoapleftonlinercancausestains. | . | ||||||
is in use,lightbulbscan | ~ | For | ||||||
becomewarmenoughto | a PlasticScouringPad | Useof rubberglovesis wommended, Wipeor rublightlyonstubbornspots.Wipeoffanycleaner | ||||||
breakif touchedwith |
| thatgetsonthermostatbulbfoundin backor onside,neartopofoven. |
| |||||
moistcloti ortowel. |
Whencleaning,avoid |
touchingwarmlamps withcleaningcloths.
Theovenbottompanelcanbe removedforcleaning(seepage 18).Usesamedirectionsforcleaning - | ||
as forOvenLinerabove. | .. . | |
*’ | ||
*Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices, tomatosaucesandbastingmaterialscontainingacidsmaycausediscoloration,SDilloversshouldbe wipedup immediately | ||