GE JGBS03EK, JLBS03PK, JGSS05GPK, JLBS15GEK, JGSS05GEK, JGSC08GEK OvenBurner Nr Mjtiment Shut&r

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o5’eElTllermos@t Adjwtnlent

The temperaturecontrolin your newovenhasbeencarefullyadjusted to provideaccuratetemperatures. However,if this ovenhasreplaced oneyouhaveusedfor severalyears,

youmaynoticea differencein the degreeof browningor the lengthof timerequiredwhenusingyour favoriterecipesbecauseoven temperaturecontrolshavea tendency to “drift” overa periodofyears.

Beforeattemptingto havethe temperatureofyournewoven changed,be sureyouhavefollowed thebakingtimeand temperatureof therecipecarefully.Then, after youhaveusedthe ovena fewtimes andyoufeelthe ovenis toohot

or toocool, thereis a simple adjustmentyoucan makeyourself on the OVENTEMPknob.

Pullthe knoboff the shafiandlook at the backside. Thereis a discin thecenterof the knobskirtwitha seriesof marksoppositea pointer.



Loosen only the locking screws

6Note position of pointer to marks before adjustment

Note to whichmark thepointeris pointing.Tomakean adjustment, carefidlyloosen(approximately oneturn), but do not completely removethe twoscrewsthatholdthe skirtto the knob.Hold the knob biadein onehand and the outer skirtin the otherhand.

Toraise the oventemperature, movethepointerin the directionof ihearrowfor WISE. Tolowerthe temperature,movethe pointerin thedirectionof arrow for LOWRR.

—.Eachmark will changethe oven

.— temperatureapproximately20°F.


P_..%~llesuggestthat youmakethe

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‘.,<--.~,-/’.;!c[justmentonelmarkfrom the


originalsettingandcheckoven performancebeforemakingany additiond adjustments.

After the adjustmentis made, press skirt and knobtogetherand retightenscrewsso theyare snug, butbe carefillnotto overtighten. Re-installknobon rangeand checkperformance.

Note:Afier an adjustmenthas been madeto the OVENTEMP knob,OFF and BROILwillnot lineup withthe indicatormark on the controlpanelas theypreviously did. This conditionis normaland willnot createa problem.

surface Burner

Mr Adjtiment Shutkm

An air adjustmentshutterfor each surfaceburner regulatesthe flowof air to the flame.

When the right amountof air flowsintothe burner,the flame willbe steady,relativelyquietand haveapproximately3/4.”sharpblue cones. This is usuallythe casewith fa.cto~preset shuttersettings.

Withtoo muchair,the flamewill be unsteady,possiblywon’tburn all the wayaround,and willbe noisy, soundinglikea blowtorch.

Withriotenoughair,youwon’tsee any sharpblueconesin the flame,

YOUmay seeye~owtips, and soot mayaccumulateon potsandpans.


Air adjustment shutter


The air adjustmentshuttersset on the hood of the valvesandare positionedon the burnertubesby frictionfit.

Toadjustthe flow of airto the burners,applya blade-typescrewdriveragainstthefriction-fit shuttersand push to adjustthe shutters,allowingmoreor less air intothe burner tubesas needed.


Nr Mjtiment Shut&r

The air adjustmentshutterfor the ovenburner regulatesthe flowof air to the flame.

The shutterfor theovenburner is near the backwallof the oven behindthe broilerdrawer.

Toreachthe shutter,remove the broilerdrawer(page19).

Toadjustthe flowof air to the burner,loosenthePhdlipshead screwandrotatethe shutterto allowmore or lessair into the burner tubeas needed.

Todetermineif theburnerflame is proper~lighttheburner. The flameshouldhave1/2”to 3/4”blue coneswith no yellowtipping,and shouldnot extendout overthe baffleedges.

,..... ..<.—.-” --------

Image 21
Contents Contents Writedownthemodel ReadthkbookCarefullyeMuvetheroundgroundingprong Lid,cookiesheetorflattrayNotUSeanextensioncordwith Make sureit-isdesignedfortoD ~WIPORTNT?.SAXETYINSTRUCTIONSAlreadymadesurepile@arelit NevertiseanopenflametolocateBveli~ the Range Riot JGSS05GPKtith Shnfing mot YeaturesofYourRangeJGSS05GPK JGSS05GEKJGSC08GEK HOWh SelwtNme Sti Lighti~ImtFuctiom SurfaceBurnerControkJG~suGPK ToL@t a surfaceBurner‘=~~p.Qf-Rangecookware MerLi@ti~ ImtruetiQm LightiwImtructiomShndingRiot Models MBso3PK JgbsegpkOvenMokture ’enTempemtumControlBaking 20-30 10toElk RoastingBrotiingmps BroiIiw GuideHowto Broil @Use tongstoturnmeatover ~ Steak and chopsshouldbe atPorcelainCoowop Care and CleatingControlRnel BurnerGmksConti~iuous-cleaningoven Tocleanthecontinuom- CleaningovenO7enInterior This specialcoatingisnot usedRemovableovenBottom ‘ForemoveToreplace theovenbotbm Broiler RaweTop Lift-offovenDoorOvenshelves DrawerUSEs&l WOO~ Withriotenoughair,youwon’tsee any sharpblueconesin the flame OvenBurner Nr Mjtiment Shut&rPOSSWLECAUSEND/OR mAT Todo ~- -.UseThk Bob#emSolverIf YouNeedservice Warranty