Broilingis cookingFoodbydirect heatfromabovethe food.Your rangehasa convenientcompartment belcwtheovenfor broiling.It also hasa speciallydesignedbroilerpan andrackthatallowdrippingfatto drainawayfromthe foodsandbe keptawayfromthe highheatof thegas flame.
Distancefromthe heatsourcemay bechangedbypositioningthebrotier pan andrackon oneof threeshelf positionsinthebroilercompartment—
A(bottomof broilercompartment),
B(middle)andC (top).
Both the ovenand broiler compatiment doors should be closedduring broiling.
Howto Broil
1. If meathas fat or gristlenearthe |
edge,cutverticalslashesthrough |
bothabout2 inchesapart, butdon’t |
cut intomeat. Werecommendthat |
youtrim fatto preventexcessive |
smoking,leavinga layerabout |
2. Removebroilerpan and rack |
frombroilercompartmentand |
placefoodon rack. |
~. Pul~outdrawerand position |
broderpanin compartmentPlacing. |
foodclosertoflameincreasesexterior |
browningof food,but alsoincreases |
spatteringand the possibilityof fats |
@Use tongstoturnmeatover— | ~ Steak and chopsshouldbe at | ||||
piercedmeatlosesjuices. |
| least 1 inch thick for bestbroiling | |||
| results.Panbroilthinnerones. | ||
BroiIiw Guide |
| |
| QuaIltity |
| LstSide | 2ndSide |
| and/or | Broti | Time, | Time, |
Food | Thickness | Fosition Wnutes Minutes | Comments | ||
Bacon | B | 3% | 3 | Arrangeinsinglelayer. | |
| thinslices) |
GroundBeef | I B |
| SpaceevenlyUpto8patties. | |
WellDone | I 1Ato | takeaboutsametime. | |||
BeefSteaks |
Rare | B | 9 | 7 | ||
Medium | B | 12 | throughbeforebrowning. | ||
WellDone |
| B | 13 | Panfryingisrecommended. | |
Rare | B,C | 10 | Slashfat. | ||
Medium | B | 15 |
| ||
WellDone |
| B | 25 |
| |
Chicken(450°) | 1whole | A | Reducetimesabout5to 10min. | ||
| per | |
| splitlengthwise |
| Brusheachsidewithmelted |
| butter.Broilwithskinsidedmn |
| fmt andbroilwithdoorclosed. |
BakeryProducts |
Bread(Toast)or | c | SpaceevenlyPlaceEnglish. | |||
ToasterPastries | 1pkg.(2) |
| |
EnglishMuffins | c |
| withbutterifdesired. | ||
hbster tails | B | ||||
| turn | open.Brushwithmeltedbutter | |
| over. | beforebroilingandafterhalfof |
| broilingtime. |
~sh | B,C | 5 | 5 | Handleandturnverycarefully. | |
| Brushwithlemonbutterbefore | |
| andduringcookingif desired. |
| Preheatbroilertoincrease |
| browning. |
andmeatjuices igniting. |
4. Closebroilerdoor and, for most |
foods,turnOVEN?’EMPknobto |
BROIL.Note:Chickenandhamare |
broiledat450°in orderto cookfood |
5. Turnmostfoodsonceduring |
cooking;(tte exceptionis thinftiets |
offish: oi~one side, placethat side |
downonbroilerrackandcookwithout |
turninguntildone). Timefoodsfor |
time, turn food,then continueto |
c{>okto preferreddoneness. |
6, TurnOVENTEMP knobto OFF.Removebroilerpan from
~.’t.?r.pafl~fnentto cool.
Hamslices(450°) | B | 8 | 8 | |
Precooked | I |
Porkchops | 2( Min.) | B | 10 | |
WellDone | 2 | B | 13 | |
| about1lb. |
Lambchops |
Medium | 2(1inch) | B | 8 | |
WellDone | B | 10 | 10 | |
Medium | 2 (ll/zinch), | B | 10 | |
WellDone | about1lb. | B | 17 | |
Wieners, | B, C | 6 | 1 2 | |
similarprecooked |
sausages,1- bratwurst
If desired,splitsausagesinhalf