Fs Selection for
(bit9, bit10) : ("L", "L") | |
except ("L", "L") | … |
Zero Mute at DATA input ( bit11: DF1IMUTE ) "L" … Mute release
"H" … Mute
The input data from DATA pin is muted in this setting.
Zero Mute at Sampling Rate Converter Input (bit12: DF2IMUTE) "L" … Mute release
"H" … Mute
DF2IMUTE is muting control of sampling rate converter input data.
Selection of Muting operation at primary Side Asynchronous Detection ( bit20: ASYNC1MODE) "L"
"H"… Input Zero Mute of the gain control at primary side asynchronous detection. ( PWM Output 50% Mute doesn't be operated in this setting. )
Selection of PWM output form (bit22, 23:PWMMODE 0 and 1)Refer to Table
* Enable to PWM for Power and for Headphone.
• The Selection of PWM output form 1, 2, 3, and 4 Refer to Page10 for the details.
NOTE1 ; At the setting of PWM Output Form2
PWM Output Form2 enable to operate the following conditions. bit17(NSOBIT)="H“(5bit), bit16(NSSPEED)="L“(16fso)
Only in terminal MCKSEL="L" (secondary side master clock 1024 fso)
In case of setting and release for PWM Output Form2,set both flags as follows. •Serial Control System Mode1 bit 22,23 (PWMMODE0,1)
Mode2 bit 16 ( NSSPEED), bit17 (NSOBIT )
<In case of the setting for PWM output form2 >
(1)Set to Serial Control system2 mode ; bit17(NSOBIT)="H"
(To be set as MCKSEL="L" in advance is required.)
(2) Serial control system1 mode bit22, 23(PWMMODE0,1)="H","L"
(When a setup of both (1) and (2) is completed, it changes to Form2. When (2) is set up before (1), The term until a setup of (1) holds the last PWM Output Form.)
<In case of release for PWM output form2 >
(1)Serial control System 1 mode bit22, bit 23 (PWMMODE 0 , 1) is set as the Form to be used.
(2)Serial Control System2 mode bit17(NSOBIT),bit16(NSSPEED) is set the condition to be used. When a setup of (1) is completed, PWM Output Form changes. When (2) is set up before (1),
a term until a setup of (1) is worked keeps the Form 2 in the state of serial control system 2 mode bit17(NSOBIT) =H, bit16(NSSPEED) =L.
NOTE2; Selection of PWM output form
Pay attention in selection and setting
bit17 (NSOBIT) and bit16 (NSSPEED).
Since especially MCKSEL pin sets up an internal master clock, use with a fixed value recommended.
In changing MCKSEL, initialization with INIT pin and a
Phase of PWM Output pins for Headphone(bit24:PWMHP) | *Enable only for PWM output for Headphone. |
as output for Power Stage.)
Refer to Page11.
Rev.1.00 2003.05.08 | page 17 of 23 |