Craftsman 247.370480 manual Blade Care, Block, Wood, Bolt

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Whenremovingthe cuttingbladefor sharpeningor replacement, protectyour handswitha pairof heavyglovesoruse a heavyragto holdthe blade.Becertainto stopmotorand removekey.

Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterfor cracks,especiallyif you strikea foreignobject.Replacewhen necessary.Followthe steps belowfor bladeservice.

Blade Removal

Stopthe motorandremoveignitionkey.Turnthe moweron its side.

. Placea 2x4blockof woodapproximately8.5" longbetweenthe deckhousingandthe cuttingbladeto actas a stabilizer.See Figure12.


Blade Sharpening

IMPORTANT:If any metalseparationispresent,replacethe blades withnew ones.

To properlysharpenthecutting blades,removeequalamountsof metalfrombothendsof the bladesalongthe cuttingedges,parallelto the trailingedge,at a250to 300angle.SeeFigure13.


Block of









3.Loosenand removethe bladebolt,lockingplate,andblade.See Figure12.


NOTE: It is importantthateachcuttingbladeedgebe groundequally to maintainproperbladebalance.A poorlybalancedbladewill cause excessivevibrationand maycausedamageto the mowerandresult in personalinjury.The bladecan betestedby balancingit ona round shaft screwdriverGrindmetalfromtheheavysideuntil. it balances evenly.

An unbalancedbladewill causeexcessivevibrationwhen rotating at highspeeds.It maycausedamageto mowerandcould break lcaus ngpersona njury.

Blade Installation

1.Placethe cuttingblade,lockingplate,andbladebolton the motor shaft andthreadthe bladeboltin fingertight.

NOTE: Makecertainto replacethe partsinthe exactorderinwhich theywere removedWhen. installingthe cuttingblade,be sureit is installedwiththe curvedendspointingtowardsthe mowerdeckand not towardsthe ground.

2.Torquethe bladeboltdownusinga torquewrenchto assurethe bolt is tightenedproperly.The recommendedtorquefor the blade bolt is 170-220in. Ibs.

Toensuresafeoperationof your mower,periodicallycheckthe blade bolt for correcttorque.

Thebladehardwareis notonly usedto attachthe bladeassembly, but isalso an insulatedsafetydeviceandshouldneverbealteredin anyway.If replacementis necessary,useoriginalequipmentpartsas showninthe partslist.


Image 14
Contents Model No Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts List Espanol RMeanshissymbolit is listedonthebyproductsnameplate ListedunderwriterslaboratoriesincCraftsman TwoYear Limited Warranty General Operation ChildrenOperation Which,if not followed,couldendangerthe personalDo Not ServiceSlope Operation Safety Symbols Jdanger -- HAND/FOOT CUTSight and hold this levelwith a vertical tree USE Extra Caution on SLOPES, do not MOW Slopes Assembling the Handle Loose Parts iN CartonRemoving the UNiT from the Carton Attaching the Grass CatcherCutting Height Adjustment Converting to Side DischargeBattery Level Indicator Circuit Breaker Reset ButtonHeight Adjustment Lever MOTOR/BLADE Control HandleStopping the Motor and Blade Charging the BatteryStarting the Mower and Blade Using Your Lawn Mower Deck Care General RecommendationsLubrication Replacing Trailing ShieldWood Blade CareBlock BoltMaintenance Resetting CiRCUiT Breaker Reset ButtonBattery Care SchedulePreparing the Lawn Mower Rated40amp,58 volt. Ifmowerblowsfuse,contactyour nearest Maintenancesectionof thismanualManage home ThismanualInch RechargeableRotary Mower- Model No Screw,Shoulder, .500 Dia.X 777S32911 777S33576 777Dl1051 777122748 777122946 777122813 777Dl1056Page RegistreelnOmerode modelo,nOmerode seriey fechade compra Funcionamiento FuncionamientogeneralHaga Io siguiente Guarde Estas InstruccionesFuncionamientoen pendientes No haga IosiguientePELIGRO= Cuestas LEA EL Manuals DEL OperadorPELIGRO= Escombros Lanzados Alinee y sostenga este nivel con un rbol vertical La esquina de una construcci6nUSE Extra Caution on SLOPES, do not MOW Slopes Montaje DE LA Manija Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA CajaRetiro DE LA Unidad DE LA Caja Conexion DE LA Colectora DE CespedConversion a Descarga Lateral Figura4Ajuste DE LA Altura DE Corte Figura6Palanca DE Ajuste DE LA Altura CuchillaIndicador DE Nivel DE LA BATERiA Lacuchillagirard,siernprequeel motorest6enrnarchaCarga DE LA Batera Boton DE Reposicion DEL DisyuntorLlave ENCENDiDO DE LA Cortadora Y LA CuchillaCarguela cortadorade csped Apagado DEL Motor Y LA CuchillaUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped Cuidado DE LA Cubierta ReconiendacionesgeneralesLubricacisn Reeiviplazo DEL Escudo PosteriorInstalaci6n de cuchillas Cuidado DE LA CuchillaRnadera Seguridad Cuchila Reposicion DEL Boton DE Reposicion DEL Disyuntor Cuidado DE LA BateriaAlrnacenelacortadoratotalrnetecargada Preparacion DE LA Cortadora DECosped Rear, age home Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoEl*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. Paradetalles Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada LE-FOYER McSU-HOGAR