Craftsman 247.370480 manual Service, Slope Operation, Do Not

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The motor/bladecontrol handleis a safetydevice.Neverattemptto bypassits operation.Doingso makesthesafety deviceinoperativeand mayresultin personalinjurythroughcontactwiththe rotatingblade.The motor/bladecontrol handlemustoperateeasilyin bothdirectionsand automaticallyreturnto the disengagedpositionwhenreleased.

Do notchargethe mower in rain,or inwet conditions.

Neveroperatethe mowerin rainor wetgrass. Alwaysbe sureof your footing. A slip andfall can causeserious personalinjury. Ifyou feel you are losingyourfooting,releasethe motor/bladecontrolhandle immediatelyandthe bladewill stoprotatingwithinthreeseconds.

Mow only indaylightor goodartificial light.Walk, never run.

Stopthe bladewhencrossinggraveldrives,walks or roads.

If theequipmentshould startto vibrateabnormally,stopthe motorand

check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble.

Shutthe motoroff and waituntil the bladecomesto a completestop

beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute.The cutting bladecontinuesto rotatefora few secondsafter the motoris shutoff.

Neverplaceany part of the bodyinthe bladearea untilyou are surethe bladehas stoppedrotating.

Neveroperatemowerwithoutpropertrailingshield,dischargecover, grasscatcher,motor/bladecontrolhandle or othersafetyprotective devicesinplaceand working.Neveroperatemowerwithdamaged safetydevices.Failureto do so, can resultin personalinjury.

Only use partsand accessoriesmadefor this machineby manufacturer. Failureto do so can result in personalinjury.

If situationsoccurwhich are notcoveredinthis manual,use careand goodjudgment. ContactyourSears ServiceCenterfor assistance.

Slope Operation:

Slopesare a major factorrelatedto slip andfall accidentswhichcan resultin severeinjury.Operationon slopesrequiresextracaution.Ifyou feel uneasyon

aslope,do notmow it. For yoursafety,usethe slopegaugeincludedas part of this manualto measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis unit on a slopedor hilly area.If theslopeis greaterthan 15 degrees,do notmowit.


Mow acrossthefaceof slopes; never up anddown. Exerciseextreme cautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes.

Watchfor holes,ruts,rocks, hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich can cause youto slip or trip.Tall grasscan hideobstacles.

Alwaysbe sureof your footing.A slip andfall can causeseriouspersonal injury.If you feel you are losingyour balance,releasethe motor/blade control handleimmediately,andthe bladewill stoprotatingwithinthree

(3) seconds.

Do Not:

Do notmow neardrop-offs, ditchesorembankments,youcould lose yourfooting or balance.

Do notmow slopesgreaterthan 15degrees asshownon the slope gauge.

Do notmow on wetgrass. Unstablefooting couldcauseslipping.


Ifthe mower'sbuilt-inoverloadprotectionswitchfrequentlytrips, contact your nearestSearsService Centerfor repair.

Removekeyand store idlelawn mowerindoorswhennotin use. Allow motorto cool beforestoringin any inclosure.Lawnmowershould be storedindoorsin a dry,high,or locked-upplace,outof reachof children.

When servicinguse only identicalreplacementparts listed inthis manual."Useof parts whichdo notmeet theoriginal equipmentspecifi- cationsmayleadto improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!"

Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe blade and all movingparts havestopped.Removethe keyto preventaccidental starting.

Removekey beforeservicing, cleaning,or removingmaterialfrom the lawn mower.

Followinstructionsfor lubricatingand changingaccessories.

Keep handlesdry,cleanand free from oil and grease.

To reducea fire hazard,keepthe motorcoverfree of grass, leavesand debris build-up.

Checkthe bladeand motormountingbolts at frequentintervals for propertightness.Also,visually inspectbladefordamage (e.g., bent, cracked,and worn). Replacebladewiththe originalequipment manufacturer's(OEM)bladeonly, listed inthis manual.

Maintainyourmowerwith care-- Keepmower bladesharp andcleanfor best andsafestperformance.Mowerbladesare sharpand can cut, wrap the bladeor wearglovesand use extra cautionwhenservicingthem.

Keep all nuts, bolts,and screwstightto be surethe equipmentis in safe workingcondition.

Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheir properoperationregularly.

Neverattemptto makewheel or cuttingheight adjustmentswhilethe motor is running.

After strikinga foreignobject, stopthe motor,removethe key,and thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.Repairthedamage beforeoperatingthe mower.

Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrailingshield are subjectto wearanddamagewhich couldexpose movingparts orallow objectsto be thrown.Forsafety protection,frequentlycheckcomponents and replaceimmediatelywith originalequipmentmanufacturer's(OEM) parts only, listedin this manual.



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Contents Safety Assembly Operation Maintenance Parts List Espanol R Meanshissymbolit is listedonthebyproductsnameplateModel No ListedunderwriterslaboratoriesincCraftsman TwoYear Limited Warranty Children OperationGeneral Operation Which,if not followed,couldendangerthe personalSlope Operation ServiceDo Not Safety Symbols Jdanger -- HAND/FOOT CUTSight and hold this levelwith a vertical tree USE Extra Caution on SLOPES, do not MOW Slopes Loose Parts iN Carton Removing the UNiT from the CartonAssembling the Handle Attaching the Grass CatcherCutting Height Adjustment Converting to Side DischargeCircuit Breaker Reset Button Height Adjustment LeverBattery Level Indicator MOTOR/BLADE Control HandleStarting the Mower and Blade Charging the BatteryStopping the Motor and Blade Using Your Lawn Mower General Recommendations LubricationDeck Care Replacing Trailing ShieldBlade Care BlockWood BoltResetting CiRCUiT Breaker Reset Button Battery CareMaintenance SchedulePreparing the Lawn Mower Maintenancesectionof thismanual Manage homeRated40amp,58 volt. Ifmowerblowsfuse,contactyour nearest ThismanualInch RechargeableRotary Mower- Model No Screw,Shoulder, .500 Dia.X 777S32911 777S33576 777Dl1051 777122748 777122946 777122813 777Dl1056Page RegistreelnOmerode modelo,nOmerode seriey fechade compra Funcionamiento FuncionamientogeneralGuarde Estas Instrucciones Funcionamientoen pendientesHaga Io siguiente No haga IosiguientePELIGRO= Escombros Lanzados LEA EL Manuals DEL OperadorPELIGRO= Cuestas Alinee y sostenga este nivel con un rbol vertical La esquina de una construcci6nUSE Extra Caution on SLOPES, do not MOW Slopes Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja Retiro DE LA Unidad DE LA CajaMontaje DE LA Manija Conexion DE LA Colectora DE CespedConversion a Descarga Lateral Figura4Ajuste DE LA Altura DE Corte Figura6Cuchilla Indicador DE Nivel DE LA BATERiAPalanca DE Ajuste DE LA Altura Lacuchillagirard,siernprequeel motorest6enrnarchaBoton DE Reposicion DEL Disyuntor LlaveCarga DE LA Batera ENCENDiDO DE LA Cortadora Y LA CuchillaUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped Apagado DEL Motor Y LA CuchillaCarguela cortadorade csped Reconiendacionesgenerales LubricacisnCuidado DE LA Cubierta Reeiviplazo DEL Escudo PosteriorRnadera Seguridad Cuchila Cuidado DE LA CuchillaInstalaci6n de cuchillas Reposicion DEL Boton DE Reposicion DEL Disyuntor Cuidado DE LA BateriaCosped Preparacion DE LA Cortadora DEAlrnacenelacortadoratotalrnetecargada Rear, age home El*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. Paradetalles Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoServicio de instalaci6nde Sears SU-HOGAR LE-FOYER McCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada