Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 owner manual Ddtltybt

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Vs c ujhljcnm. ghbdtncndetv Dfc rfr yjdjuj dkfltkmwf Mirage Subwoofer. Yfbkexibt rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks bcgjkmpjdfyyst ghb ghjbpdjlcndt bpltkbz d cjjndtncndbb c pfdjlcrbvb cnfylfhnfvb9 enjyx∑yyfz nt[yjkjubz ghjbpdjlcndf b ghjdthrb9 j,tcgtxbdf.n bcrk.xbntkmyjt rfxtcndj djcghjbpdtltybz9 rjnjhjt ghtdjc[jlbn rfxtcndj djcghjbpdtltybz cf,deathjd9 cnjbvjcnm. dj vyjuj hfp dsit7 +njn gjl[jl r hfphf,jnrt cthbb OM dskbkcz d pyfxbntkmyjt ekexitybt lbpfqyf d xfcnb djcghjbpdtltybz b =cntnbrb7


Frecnbxtcrbt cbcntvs b cf,deaths vfhrb Mirage hfphf,jnfys b ghjbpdjlzncz rjvgfybtq Audio Products International Corp. bpdtcnyjq d ghjvsiktyyjcnb rfr API. +nf Rfyflcrfz rjvgfybz ,skf jcyjdfyf d !(&$ ujle b d yfcnjzott dhtvz zdkztncz jlybv bp rhegytqibv d Ctdthyjq Fvthbrt ghjbpdjlbntktv frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv9 rjnjhst gjcnfdkz.ncz d %% cnhfy vbhf7

API hfcgjkj;tyf d Scarborough, vtnhjgjkbnfy Toronto b bvttn d cdj∑v hfcgjhz;tybb ,jktt !^%))) rd7 aenjd cjdhtvtyys[ gkjofltq lkz lbpfqyf9 hfphf,jnrb b ghjbpdjlcndf7 <jktt @*) cjnhelybrjd rjvgfybb hf,jnf.n d =njv wtynht lbpfqyf9 ghjbpdjlcndf b vfhrtnbyuf gjl njhujdjq vfhrjq Mirage, ult hfphf,fnsdf.ncz b ghjbpdjlzncz uhjvrjujdjhbntkb9 frecnbxtcrbt cbcntvs9 ecbkbntkb b abkmnhs7 Nfkfynkbdst cjnhelybrb hf,jnf.n d rjvfylt bccktljdfntktq b hfphf,jnxbrjd9 rjnjhst bcgjkmpe.n rjvgmnthysq lbpfqy yfbdscituj ehjdyz b enjyx∑yyst vtnjls bpvthtybz lkz gjcnjzyyjuj gjbcrf ,jktt kexib[ frecnbxtcrb[ nt[yjkjubq7

OM Cthbb7

Bpjkbhe.obt jgjhs

Ds,thtnt d rfrjq gjpbwbb ,eltn hfcgjkfufnmcz cf,death9 ghbrhtgbnt9 d[jlzobt d rjvgktrn9 xtnsht htpbyjdst jcyjds r xtnshtv dcnfdrfv9 hfcgjkj;tyysv yf eukf[ yb;ytq gjdth[yjcnb cf,deathf7 Bcgjkmpeqnt iehegs bp rjvgktrnf lkz njuj9 xnj,s ghbrhtgbnm jcyjds r dcnfdrfv7 +nb jcyjds gjvjuf.n ,jktt njxyjve9 frrehfnyjve djcghjbpdtltyb. ,fcjd9 f nfr;t ghtljndhfof.n gthtvtotybt cbuyfkf jn cf,deathf r ptvkt bkb r cntkf;e7 Gjcvjnhbnt Lbfuhfvve !7

Frecnbrf rjvyfns b hfcgjkj;tybt cf,deathf7

Cf,deaths Mirage cthbb OM vjuen ,snm hfcgjkj;tys ghfrnbxtcrb d k.,jv vtcnt dfitq rjvyfns9 ,tp pyfxbntkmyjuj dkbzybz yf cnthtj-djcghjbpdtltybt dfib[ jcyjdys[ frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv7 Jlyfrj dpfbvjltqcndbt vt;le cf,deathjv b frecnbxtcrbvb cdjqcndfvb rjvyfns ,eltn bvtnm ytrjnjhjt dkbzybt yf djcghjbpdtltybt ybprb[ xfcnjn7 Jpyfrjvktybt c =njq xfcnm. bycnherwbb gjvj;tn dfv yfqnb gjkj;tybt lkz cf,deathf rjnjhjt j,tcgtxbn yfbkexitt djcghjbpdtltybt ,fcjd7

Jlyj bp j,ob[ pf,ke;ltybq d hfpvtotybb cf,deathf nj9 xnj yfb,jkmifz uhjvrjcnm djcghjbpdtltybz ,fcjd tcnm yfbkexitt vtcnj lkz cf,deathf7 +nj yt nfr7 Pfgjvybnt b herjdjlcndeqntcm ghb ds,jht vtcnf9 xnj yfb,jktt xbcnjt djcghjbpdtltybt ,fcjd ujdjhbn j ghfdbkmyjv hfpvtotybb cf,deathf7

Dctcnjhjyytt hfcghjcnhfytybt ybprjxfcnjnys[ pderjds[ rjkt,fybq gjpdjkztn gjvtcnbnm cf,death ghfrnbxtcrb d k.,jv vtcnt rjvyfns7 Ytcvjnhz yf nj9 xnj xtkjdtxtcrbq vjpu nhelyj ekfdkbdftn xfcnjns yb;t !)) uw9 =nj yt jpyfxftn9 xnj dct vtcnf hfpvtotybz d rjvyfnt bltfkmys7 Lkbyf djkys ybprjxfcnjnys[ rjkt,fybq vj;tn ,snm jrjkj %) aenjd b xtkjdtxtcrjve vjpue nhelyj ekjdbnm njxyjt vtcnj hfpgjkj;tybt cf,deathf9 yj vs [jnbv gjlxthryenm9 xnj =nj dct-;t bcnjxybr pderf9 rjnjhsq bpkexftn pderjdst djkys7

Hfcgjkj;tybt d euke rjvyfns

Yfb,jktt gjgekzhysv zdkztncz hfcgjkj;tybt cf,deathf d gthtlytv euke rjvyfns9 ,tphfpkbxyj cktdf bkb cghfdf jn jcyjdys[ frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv7 Ytn ybxtuj cnhfiyjuj d nfrjv hfpvtotybb9 tckb njkmrj ytcrjkmrj ghjcns[ nht,jdfybq ,eltn ghbyznj dj dybvfybt7 Yfxybnt c hfcgjkj;tybz cf,deathf jrjkj eukf9 xnj gjpdjkbn djcghjbpdjlbnm ,fcs c vfrcb-vfkmysv ehjdytv7 Vtlktyyj gthtldbufqnt cf,death jn eukf rjvyfns9 yt,jkmibvb ghjvt;enrfvb9 xnj,s yfqnb gjpbwb.9 ult vj;yj gjkexbnm vfrcbvfkmysq ehjdtym djcghjbpdtltybz ,fcjd ghb cj[hfytybb xbcnjns djcghjbpdtltybz7

Ytn ytj,[jlbvjcnb jcnfdkznm jnrhsnjt ghjcnhfycndj vt;le vtcnjv lkz ghjckeibdfybz b cf,deathjv7 Htrjvtyletncz jcnfdkznm pfpjh @-$ l.qvf 5 %-!) cv8 vt;le cf,deathjv b cntyjq rjvyfns9 lkz j,tcgtxtybz yfbkexituj djcghjbpdtltybz7 Tckb cf,death gthtvtcnbnm bp eukf rjvyfns9 ult jy j,sxyj hfcgjkj;ty9 nj =nj vj;tn bpvtybnm fvgkbnele cnjzxb[ pderjds[ djky b edtkbxbnm bkb evtymibnm dtkbxbye bpkexftvs[ ,fcjd yf dfitv vtcnt lkz ghjckeibdfybz7

Rfr yfqnb bltfkmyjt hfcgjkj;tybt

Tckb hfcgjkj;tybt cf,deathf b dkbzybt yf lbpfqy rjvyfns yt df;ys9 ds vj;tnt yfqnb bltfkmyjt gjkj;tybt9 ult hf,jnf cf,deathf vj;tn ,snm vfrcbvfkmyj =aatrnbdyf7 +aatrnbdysq vtnjl jghtltktybz bltfkmyjq gjpbwbb lkz cf,aeathf cjcnjbn d njv9 xnj ds ecnfyfdkbdftnt cf,death yf ghtlgjxnbntkmyjt lkz dfc vtcnj ghjckeibdfybz7 Pfntv vtlktyyj bl∑nt gj gthbvtnhe rjvyfns lj njuj vtcnf9 ult ds xedcndetnt yfb,jktt gjkyst ,fcs7 Gjvtyzqntcm vtcnfvb c cf,deathjv b =nj b ,eltn bltfkmyjq gjpbwbtq lkz tuj hfpvtotybz7

Hfcgjkj;tybt lkz cnthtj ghjckeibdfybz

Tckb ds bcgjkmpetnt gfhe cf,deathjd d cnthtj ht;bvt9 ghtlgjxnbntkmyj hfcgjkj;bnm rf;lsq cf,death cj cnjhjys jcyjdyjq frecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs =njuj-;t rfyfkf7

Gjvybnt9 xnj ye;yj bcgjkmpjdfnm pyfrjve. dfv pderjpfgbcm9 ,jufne. ybprbvb xfcnjnfvb9 rjulf ds =rcgthbvtynbhetnt c hfcgjkj;tybtv cf,deathf7

Ecnfyjdrf d cntkkf;

Cf,deaths cthbb JV cghjtrnbhjdfys nfr9 xnj jyb ghtdjc[jlyj gjl[jlzn lkz bylbdblefkmyjq ecnfyjdrb7 Rf;ljt ltqcndbt bvttn ghzvjq b j,hfnysq =aatrn b =njn afrn bcgjkmpetncz d Omnipolar cf,deatht7 Htfrnbdyst cbks9 yfghfdkztvst vtv,hfyfvb yf juhf;ltybz9 zdkz.ncz ghjnbdjgjkj;ysvb b gj=njve fyekbhe.ncz7 Lfyysq =aatrn ecnhfyztn yfb,jktt j,oe. ghj,ktve cdzpfyye. c cf,deathfvb – db,hfwb. cntkf;f7 +nj ldb;tybt cntkf;f cjplftn htpjyfyc pderf7 Yfghbvth9 tckb cf,death ecnfyjdkty d vt,tkmyjq cntyrt9 db,hfwbz gthtlftncz yf =ne vt,tkm b vj;tn dspsdfnm lht,tp;fybt k.,juj ghtlvtnf9 hfcgjkj;tyyjuj dyenhb yt∑7 Rjcybntcm dth[ytq xfcnb k.,juj lheujuj nhflbwbjyyjuj cf,deathf9 b ds gjxedcndetnt db,hfwb.9 dspdfyye. =ythubtq9 utythbhetvjq nskmyjq cnjhjyjq lbyfvbrf b jnhf;ftvjq dyenhb ytuj7 +nj ukfdysq bcnjxybr bcrf;tybq pderf bleotuj jn rf;ljuj cf,deathf7 Tckb Ds ljnhjytntcm lj dth[ytq xfcnb Omnipolar cf,deathf9 ds afrnbxtcrb yt gjxedcndetnt db,hfwbb7 +nj b tcnm nj rfxtcndj9 rjnjhjt ltkftn Omnipolar cf,death bltfkmysv lkz ecnfyjdrb d cntkf;f[7 Dct xnj ytj,[jlbvj - =nj ghbvthyj $-^ l.qvf 5!)-!% cv8 jnrhsnjuj ghjcnhfycndf gthtl rf;lsv lbyfvbrjv7 Nfrjt hfcgjkj;tybt gjpdjkbn pdere ghj[jlbnm jn lbyfvbrf d ghjcnhfycndj dyt cntkf;f ,tp bcrf;tybz bkb db,hfwbb7


Image 35
Contents B w o o f e r Important Safety Instructions Read Carefully Subwoofer Connections IntroductionCompany Background OM SeriesOperating Controls Limited Warranty Policy FeaturesImportantes Consignes DE Sécurité Lire Attentivement LA Série OM AVANT-PROPOSBref Historique DE L’ENTREPRISE Raccordements CommandesCommande de niveau des extrêmes-graves Commande du filtre passe-basPolitique DE Garantie Limitée CaractéristiquesInstrucciones Importantes Léanse Atentamente Serie OM IntroducciónInformación Sobre LA Compañía Mando de nivel Conexiones DEL Bafle Para BajosMandos DE Operación Interruptor de alimentaciónPolítica DE Garantía Limitada CaracterísticasManuale dellutente Profilo Dellazienda IntroduzioneRegolatore di Livello Connessioni DEL SubwooferRegolatori DEL Funzionamento Interruttore di ReteNorme DI Garanzia Limitata CaratteristicheWichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen Sorgfältig Durchlesen OM-SERIE EinleitungDaten Über Unser Unternehmen Regelungen Anschluss DES SubwoofersBegrenzte Gewährleistung MerkmaleVigtig Information OM Sikkerhed BØR Læses Omhyggeligt Tilslutning AF Bashøjttalere IndledningFirmaets Historie OM SerienKontrolknapper Begrænset Garanti KarakteristikaEigenaar handleiding Achtergrondinformatie Over HET Bedrijf InleidingBedieningsknopen Subwoofer AansluitingenGarantie Binnen DE VS EN Canada Zie achterkant KenmerkenBeperkte Garantiepolis Instruções DE Segurança Importantes Leia COM Atenção Série OM IntroduçãoAlgumas Informações Sobre a Nossa Companhia Controle de nível Conexão do SubwooferControles DE Operação Interruptor liga-desliga On/OffPolítica DE Garantia Limitada Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB Ddtltybt Gjlcjtlbytybt Cfdeathf Cgtwbfkmyst Cbcntvs Diagrams Diagram + + Warrantygarantie

OM-200 specifications

The Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 is a remarkable speaker designed to deliver an exceptional audio experience for audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Renowned for its innovative engineering and superior sound quality, the OM-200 is a cornerstone in Mirage's series of speakers, blending aesthetics with high-performance features.

One of the main features of the OM-200 is its advanced dipolar design. This unique approach allows the speakers to create a more immersive soundstage by radiating sound both from the front and rear. The result is a three-dimensional auditory experience that fills the room, making it perfect for music lovers who desire depth and clarity in their audio.

Equipped with dual 5.5-inch woofers, the OM-200 delivers powerful bass response without sacrificing detail. The woofers utilize high-efficiency aluminum cone technology, which minimizes distortion while enhancing overall sound fidelity. Complementing the woofers is a tweeter designed with a specialized waveguide that ensures even dispersion of high frequencies. This technology contributes to a smooth treble response, making for an articulate and well-rounded sound profile.

The OM-200 speakers are also designed with versatility in mind. They can be used as part of a home theater system, stereo setup, or even as standalone units for casual listening. Their sleek design allows them to seamlessly blend into various decors, making them visually appealing as well as acoustically advanced.

Another noteworthy feature is the integration of proprietary technologies like the Mirage Low-Frequency Enhancement (LFE) system, which effectively extends the lower frequency response, allowing for deeper and richer bass tones. This gives users the ability to enjoy the full spectrum of sound, from the thumping beats of modern music to the delicate nuances of classical compositions.

Moreover, the OM-200 is engineered with robust cabinet construction that minimizes vibrations, ensuring that sound remains uncolored and pure. The internal bracing and high-quality materials further contribute to the speaker's durability and acoustic performance.

In summary, the Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 embodies a fusion of innovative technology, solid construction, and high-performance audio. With dipolar design, advanced woofers, and a commitment to sound fidelity, these speakers make an excellent addition to any audio setup, providing an engaging listening experience for any music genre or film.