Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 owner manual Cgtwbfkmyst Cbcntvs

Page 37
Ufhfynbz dyt CIF b Rfyfls6
Nhfrnjdrf Ufhfynbqys[ eckjdbq vj;tn jnkbxfnmcz jn cnhfys r cnhfyt7 Epyfqnt e Dfituj vtcnyjuj lbkkthf eckjdbz Ufhfynbb ghbvtybntkmyj r Dfitq cnhfyt7
DYBVFYBT6 Gj;fkeqcnf cj[hfybnt rfhnjyye. egfrjdre b egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks lkz bpltkbz Mirage, xnj,s pfobnbnm bpltkbt d ckexft ytj,[jlbvjcnb jnghfdrb d cthdbc wtynh lkz htvjynf7 Bpltkbt9 rjnjhjt gjkexbkj gjdht;ltybt ghb ljcnfdrt d cthdbc wtynh9 tckb jyj yt ,skj egfrjdfyj d jhbubyfkmye. egfrjdre9 ,eltn jnhtvjynbhjdfyj9 djccnfyjdktyj b ghfdbkmyj egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq ljcnfdrb9 pf cx∑n dkfltkmwf bpltkbz7
Uf,fhbns J,kbwjdrf rjhgecf Dtc
$) uw– !@) uw @ *db3yf jrnfde
D[jl ybprjuj ehjdyz c jnrk.xtybtv cbcntvs htuekbhjdfybz cf,deathf4 D[jl dscjrjuj ehjdyz
Dscjrjuj ehjdyz
L.qvs6 !^-!3$ [ !*-%3* [ !&-!3@ Cv76 $@ [ $&7$ [ $@7%
Xthyfz ukzywtdfz9 wdtnf dbiytdjuj lthtdf
&) lbs7 #@ ru7
AV gthtrk.xfntkm Gthtcnhfbdftvsq abkmvh
D[jlyst cjtlbytybz
Hfpvth vfuybnf Lbfvtnh pderjdjq
Lbfgfpjy djcghjbpdtltybz @) uw7–!@) uw7 ≠-# db
Gthtrk.xtybt afps Gjcnjzyyj rjkt,ktncz jn –!*) lj ≠!*) uhflecjd )3≠#db
Omnipolar cf,death
*)) dfnn ghb gbrjdjq yfuheprt9 @)) dfnn ghb gjcnjzyyjq yfuheprt @-*" gjkbghjgbktyjdsq lbaaepjh c nbnfyjdsv yfgsktybtv
@* 5oz.8 eywbq
Nbg frecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs
Nbg ecbkbntkz


Htuekbhjdrf xfcnjns

Gjdjhjnjv hexrb rjynhjkz xfcnjns Ds htuekbhetnt pfdfk xfcnjnyjq [fhfrnthbcnbrb cf,deathf d dth[ytq xfcnb lbfgfpjyf djcghjbpdtltybz7 +nf cbcntvf vj;tn gkfdyj gthtcnhfbdfnmcz d lbfgfpjyt jn $) lj !@) uw9 b jyf bcgjkmpetncz xnj,s gjlj,hfnm djcghjbpdtltybt ybprb[ xfcnjn cf,aeathf nfr9 xnj,s jyb ckbdfkbcm c djcghjbpdtltybtv jcyjdys[ frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv7 Nfr;t cvjnhbnt hfpltk Ecnfyjdrf b Rfkb,hjdrf7

Htuekbhjdrf afps

Hjnjhysq rjynhjkm gjpdjkztn ghtrhfcyj htuekbhjdfnm njxye. yfcnhjqre gj afpt9 xnj,s j,tcgtxbnm cjdvtotybt afps cf,deathf c afpjq jcyjdys[ frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv7 Gthtrk.xfnm vj;yj jn –!*) lj ≠!*) uhflecjd9 xnj gjpdjkztn rjvgtycbhjdfnm frecnbxtcrbt =aatrns d cthtlbyt ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbfgfpjyf9 d pfdbcbvjcnb jn hfcgjkj;tybz frecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv b jcj,tyyjcntq rjvyfns7 Cvjnhbnt nfr;t hfpltk Ecnfyjdrf b Rfkb,hjdrf7

Dbltj ht;bv

+njn gthtrk.xfntkm gjpdjkztn ,scnhsv b kturbv cgjcj,jv gjllth;bdfnm uke,bye ,fcjds[ [fhfrnthbcnbr Dfituj cf,deathf gjchtlcndjv lj,fdktybz ghb,kbpbntkmyj # db d lbfgfpjyt $) uw7


Cbcntvf fdnjvfnbxtcrjuj drk.xtybz b dsrk.xtybz

Dfi cf,death j,jheljdfy cgtwbfkmyjq =ktrnhjyyjq c[tvjq9 rjnjhfz drk.xftn cf,death9 rfr njkmrj gjxedcndetn cbuyfk yf d[jlt7 Xthtp jghtltk∑yyjt dhtvz gjckt ghtrhfotybz cbuyfkf yf d[jlt9 =nf c[tvf fdnjvfnbxtcrb dsrk.xftn cf,death7 Dsrk.- xfntkm gbnfybz ljk;ty ,snm drk.x∑y d gjkj;tybt ON lkz hf,jns =njq c[tvs7

Rfr njkmrj cf,death gjlcjtlby∑y r ctnb =ktnhjgbnfybz b dsrk.xfntkm gbnfybz drk.x∑y d gjkj;tybt ON, cdtnjlbjlysq bylbrfnjh yf gfytkb eghfdktybz yfxy∑n cdtnbnmcz rhfcysv cdtnjv7 Rhfcysq cdtn jpyfxftn9 xnj cf,death yf[jlbncz d ht;bvt j;blfybz7 Rjulf yf d[jlt cf,deathf gjzdkztncz cbuyfk9 bylbrfnjh cnfyjdbncz ptk∑ysv9 xnj cbuyfkbpbhetn j hf,jnt cf,deathf7 Ghbvthyj xthtp !) vbyen gjckt ghtrhfotybz cbuyfkf yf d[jlt cf,deathf9 jy gtht[jlbn d ht;bv j;blfybz b wdtn bylbrfnjhf cnfyjdbncz rhfcysv7

Pfobnf jn gthtuheprb (OPC)

Cbcntvs pfobns jn gthtuheprb Mirage Overload Protection Circuitry pfoboftn ecbkbntkm jn gthtuheprb b cf,death jn gjdsityyjq fvgkbnels gthtvtotybz rjyecf ybcrjxfcnyjuj lbyfvbrf9 xnj ufhfynbhetn ljkubt ujls ,tpjgfcyjq hf,jns b yfl∑;yjuj djcghjbpdtltybz7

E[jl pf cf,deathjv

Xnj,s cj[hfybnm ghtrhfcye. jnltkre rjhgecf Dfituj yjdjuj cf,deathf Mirage, dhtvz jn dhtvtyb jcnjhj;yj ghjnbhfqnt rjhgec vzurjq dkf;yjq nrfym.9 xnj,s elfkbnm gskm b uhzpm7

D yjhvfkmys[ eckjdbz[ =rcgkefnfwbb9 Dfi yjdsq cf,death vj;tn jcnfdfnmcz d gjlcjtlby∑yyjv r ctnb cjcnjzybb ,tp dczrb[ juhfybxtybq7 Jlyfrj9 tckb Ds gkfybhetnt yt bcgjkmpjdfnm cf,death d ntxtybb lkbntkmyjuj dhtvtyb9 htrjvtyletv jnrk.xbnm tuj jn ctnb7

Ecnhfytybt ytbcghfdyjcntq

Tckb e dfc djpybrkb rfrbt-nj ghj,ktvs c cf,deathjv9 gjcktleqnt ghbdtl∑yysv yb;t htrjvtylfwbzv9 ght;lt xtv j,hfofnmcz d cthdbc6

E,tlbntcm9 xnj cf,death gjlrk.x∑y r hjptnrt b d hjptnrt tcnm =ktrnhbxtcndj7

E,tlbntcm9 dsrk.xfntkm gbnfybz cf,deathf drk.xty7

E,tlbntcm9 xnj cf,death gjkexftn d[jlyjq cbuyfk7 Djpvj;yj ye;yj ghjdthbnm cjtlbybntkmyst ghjdjlf b intrths7

E,tlbntcm9 xnj hexrb eghfdktybz ehjdytv b xfcnjnjq ghfdbkmyj ecnfyjdktys7

Ghjdthmnt d[jl gj Ybprjve ehjdy.7 Htuekbhjdrb cf,deathf jnrk.xtys ghb bcgjkmpjdfybb d[jlf Xover input.

Tckb cf,death jcnf∑ncz drk.x∑yysq9 lf;t tckb bcnjxybr cbuyfkf dsrk.xty9 =njn j,sxyj jpyfxftn9 xnj ghjdjlf9 rjnjhst bcgjkmpjdfys lkz cjtlbytybz bvt.n yfdjlre cbuyfkf jn lheujuj ghjdjlf b bkb bcnjxybrf cbuyfkf7 Gjghj,eqnt ekj;bnm cjtlbybntkmysq rf,tkm gj yjdjve9 b e,tlbntcm9 xnj Ds bcgjkmpetnt =rhfybhjdfyysq rf,tkm7

Cktle.obt ytbcghfdyjcnb nht,e.n ghbdktxtybt rdfkbbabwbhjdfyyjuj cthdbcyjuj vt[fybrf6

Gjdht;l∑y iyeh gbnfybz7

Tckb cf,death yt hf,jnftn yjhvfkmyj b djcghjbpdtltybt pderf pfvtnyj bpvtybkjcm7

Cf,death ,sk j,kbn djljq7

Rjhgec bkb cjtlbytybz bvt.n vt[fybxtcrbt gjdht;ltybz7


Image 37
Contents B w o o f e r Important Safety Instructions Read Carefully Company Background IntroductionOM Series Subwoofer ConnectionsOperating Controls Limited Warranty Policy FeaturesImportantes Consignes DE Sécurité Lire Attentivement Bref Historique DE L’ENTREPRISE AVANT-PROPOSLA Série OM Commande de niveau des extrêmes-graves CommandesCommande du filtre passe-bas RaccordementsPolitique DE Garantie Limitée CaractéristiquesInstrucciones Importantes Léanse Atentamente Información Sobre LA Compañía IntroducciónSerie OM Mandos DE Operación Conexiones DEL Bafle Para BajosInterruptor de alimentación Mando de nivelPolítica DE Garantía Limitada CaracterísticasManuale dellutente Profilo Dellazienda IntroduzioneRegolatori DEL Funzionamento Connessioni DEL SubwooferInterruttore di Rete Regolatore di LivelloNorme DI Garanzia Limitata CaratteristicheWichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen Sorgfältig Durchlesen Daten Über Unser Unternehmen EinleitungOM-SERIE Regelungen Anschluss DES SubwoofersBegrenzte Gewährleistung MerkmaleVigtig Information OM Sikkerhed BØR Læses Omhyggeligt Firmaets Historie IndledningOM Serien Tilslutning AF BashøjttalereKontrolknapper Begrænset Garanti KarakteristikaEigenaar handleiding Achtergrondinformatie Over HET Bedrijf InleidingBedieningsknopen Subwoofer AansluitingenBeperkte Garantiepolis KenmerkenGarantie Binnen DE VS EN Canada Zie achterkant Instruções DE Segurança Importantes Leia COM Atenção Algumas Informações Sobre a Nossa Companhia IntroduçãoSérie OM Controles DE Operação Conexão do SubwooferInterruptor liga-desliga On/Off Controle de nívelPolítica DE Garantia Limitada Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB Ddtltybt Gjlcjtlbytybt Cfdeathf Cgtwbfkmyst Cbcntvs Diagrams Diagram + + Warrantygarantie

OM-200 specifications

The Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 is a remarkable speaker designed to deliver an exceptional audio experience for audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Renowned for its innovative engineering and superior sound quality, the OM-200 is a cornerstone in Mirage's series of speakers, blending aesthetics with high-performance features.

One of the main features of the OM-200 is its advanced dipolar design. This unique approach allows the speakers to create a more immersive soundstage by radiating sound both from the front and rear. The result is a three-dimensional auditory experience that fills the room, making it perfect for music lovers who desire depth and clarity in their audio.

Equipped with dual 5.5-inch woofers, the OM-200 delivers powerful bass response without sacrificing detail. The woofers utilize high-efficiency aluminum cone technology, which minimizes distortion while enhancing overall sound fidelity. Complementing the woofers is a tweeter designed with a specialized waveguide that ensures even dispersion of high frequencies. This technology contributes to a smooth treble response, making for an articulate and well-rounded sound profile.

The OM-200 speakers are also designed with versatility in mind. They can be used as part of a home theater system, stereo setup, or even as standalone units for casual listening. Their sleek design allows them to seamlessly blend into various decors, making them visually appealing as well as acoustically advanced.

Another noteworthy feature is the integration of proprietary technologies like the Mirage Low-Frequency Enhancement (LFE) system, which effectively extends the lower frequency response, allowing for deeper and richer bass tones. This gives users the ability to enjoy the full spectrum of sound, from the thumping beats of modern music to the delicate nuances of classical compositions.

Moreover, the OM-200 is engineered with robust cabinet construction that minimizes vibrations, ensuring that sound remains uncolored and pure. The internal bracing and high-quality materials further contribute to the speaker's durability and acoustic performance.

In summary, the Mirage Loudspeakers OM-200 embodies a fusion of innovative technology, solid construction, and high-performance audio. With dipolar design, advanced woofers, and a commitment to sound fidelity, these speakers make an excellent addition to any audio setup, providing an engaging listening experience for any music genre or film.