Move dipperstick away and curl bucket by moving lever back and to the right.
Move dipperstick away and extend (dump) bucket by moving lever forward and to the right.
Move dipperstick toward operator and extend bucket by moving lever back and to the right.
The two operations of the boom and swing lever combined with the two operations performed by bucket and dipperstick control lever provide four simultaneous operations of the two levers. Oil flow will go to operation which requires the least pressure. The ability to feather valve spools and balance pressure comes with experience resulting in reduced cycle times.
Push lever forward, left hand stabilizer lowers. Pull lever back, left hand stabilizer raises.
Push lever forward, right hand stabilizer lowers. Pull lever back, right hand stabilizer raises.
CAUTION: To avoid possible injury, observe the following safety rules BEFORE OPERATING backhoe.
•Operate from backhoe operator’s seat only.
•Lower stabilizers until weight of tractor is supported by stabilizers. Do not lift tractor tires off ground.
•Do not dig near stabilizers.
•Do not attempt to raise tractor off ground or move tractor forward or backward using backhoe dipperstick or bucket.
•Do not lose stability by swinging bucket downhill when positioned on a slope.
It is not difficult to become an efficient operator. Control operating decals are located in front of control levers. Study these decals. They will assist you in becoming familiar with the controls.
Smooth, light handling of controls will result in the most efficient backhoe operation.
Operate backhoe control levers to become familiar with their speed and movements. Engine speed will determine speed of cylinder operation.
Swing boom several times to practice controlling the speed of swing. Do not operate swing more than 45 degrees each way for the first few times. Gradually increase the arc.
Best results are obtained by digging near center of swing arc so material can be dumped on either side.
As operator becomes more familiar with operation of backhoe, it will be common practice to operate two controls at one time. For example, with bucket extended and dipperstick extended, the lift control and crowd control can be operated together to bring bucket toward operator with down pressure on it. As dipperstick approaches operator, the crowd and bucket controls can be operated together to close bucket and trap material. At end of stroke, lift and crowd controls are operated to move load up and away from operator to save time in clearing excavation.
This dual operation of controls will speed and simplify digging operation. Normally two or more movements will not be equal or even simultaneous, but as pressure within the cylinders and resistance of an operating member of backhoe lessens, it will begin to move. It is balancing the force of one member against another.
NOTE: Actuating bucket is the key to powerful digging. Operating the crowd and bucket controls simultaneously will insure a full bucket and prevent wasted motion and time.
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