Multiquip MLT25 TIRe FunDaMenTaLs, Table a. speed Rating, Letter Rating Speed Rating

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safety guidelines — TRAILERS

Use the information contained in this section to make tire safety a regular part of your vehicle maintenance routine. Recognize that the time you spend is minimal compared with the inconvenience and safety consequences of a fl at tire or other tire failure.

TIRe FunDaMenTaLs

Federal law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized information on the sidewall of all tires (Figure J). This information identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics of the tire and also provides a tire identifi cation number for safety standard certifi cation and in case of a recall.

Figure J. Standard Tire Sidewall Information

p: The “P” indicates the tire is for passenger vehicles.

next number: This three-digit number gives the width in millimeters of the tire from sidewall edge to sidewall edge. In general, the larger the number, the wider the tire.

next number: This two-digit number, known as the aspect ratio, gives the tire’s ratio of height to width. Numbers of 70 or lower indicate a short sidewall for improved steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.

p: The “R” stands for radial. Radial ply construction of tires has been the industry standard for the past 20 years.

next number: This two-digit number is the wheel or rim diameter in inches. If you change your wheel size, you will have to purchase new tires to match the new wheel diameter.

next number: This two- or three-digit number is the tire’s load index. It is a measurement of how much weight each tire can support. You may fi nd this information in your owner’s manual. If not, contact a local tire dealer. Note: You may not fi nd this information on all tires because it is not required by law.

M+s: The “M+S” or “M/S” indicates that the tire has some mud and snow capability. Most radial tires have these markings; hence, they have some mud and snow capability.

speed Rating: The speed rating denotes the speed at which a tire is designed to be driven for extended periods of time. The ratings range from 99 miles per hour (mph) to 186 mph.These ratings are listed in Table A. Note:You may not fi nd this information on all tires because it is not required by law.

Table a. speed Rating

Letter Rating

speed Rating


99 mph




106 mph




112 mph




118 mph




124 mph




130 mph




149 mph




168* mph




186* mph



u.s. DOTTire Identification number:This begins with the letters “DOT” and indicates that the tire meets all federal standards. The next two numbers or letters are the plant code where it was manufactured, and the last four numbers represent the week and year the tire was built. For example, the numbers 3197 means the 31st week of 1997.The other numbers are marketing codes used at the manufacturer’s discretion. This information is used to contact consumers if a tire defect requires a recall.

Tire ply Composition and Materials used:The number of plies indicates the number of layers of rubber-coated fabric in the tire. In general, the greater the number of plies, the more weight a tire can support. Tire manufacturers also must indicate the materials in the tire, which include steel, nylon, polyester, and others.

Maximum Load Rating: This number indicates the maximum load in kilograms and pounds that can be carried by the tire.

Maximum permissible Inflation pressure: This number is the greatest amount of air pressure that should ever be put in the tire under normal driving conditions.

page 38 — MLT25 sERIES LIGHT TOWER • operation manual — rev. #0 (11/28/12)

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Contents Model MLT25 sERIES Proposition 65 warning Reporting Safety Defects NhtsaTable of Contents Specifications are subject to change without noticeSaFeTY sYMBOLs Safety InformationSaFeTY Messages Addresses practices not related to personal injuryGeneRaL saFeTY LIgHT TOWeR saFeTY LaMp saFeTYTOWIng saFeTY TRanspORTIng saFeTY Loading and Tie-Down on Flatbed TruckELeCTRICaL saFeTY „ neveR operate light towerTrailer Specifications MLT25 Series SpecificationsLight Tower Specifications Generator/Engine SpecificationsReference Letter Description Dimension DimensionsDimensions Length Mast Stowed Position Length Mast Deployed PositionGeneral information Metal Halide LampsComponents Major Components Control Panel SideCircuit Breakers, 3-Pole, 15 a Turn the lamps on and off Major Components Front/RearBefore starting Read all safety instructions at the beginning of manualInspection Check all fastening nuts and bolts for tightnessContact between the two connectors Female and Male ConnectorMast operation OperationStarting the Engine Outriggers and Support StandsRaising the Mast Stowing the Mast to Horizontal Position Raising the MastLowering the Mast Rotating the MastMove the Voltage Selector to the desired position Voltage Selector PositionsCheck Cable Wear MaintenanceGenerator/ENGINE Maintenance Servicing the Mast Raise/Lower Cable SystemServicing the Mast Extension Cable System Lower the mast to the horizontal resting positionTrailer Brakes Maintenance TrailersManually Adjusting the Brakes Hydraulic BrakesAdjustable Channel Hydraulic Brake TroubleshootingWheel Hub Adjustment Leaf SuspensionTRaILeR TOWIng guIDeLInes Safety guidelines TrailersCOMMOn Causes for LOss of TRaILeR DRIvIng COnDITIOns COupLIng to THe TOW veHICLeTRaILeR vIn Tag InOpeRaBLe BRaKes, LIgHTs or MIRRORsTRaILeR TOWIng TIps SuspensIOn sYsTeM ELeCTRICaL COnneCTORTOW veHICLe BRaKe COnTROLLeRBReaKaWaY sYsTeM SaFeTY CHaInsTRaILeR LIgHTIng anD BRaKIng COnneCTOR JaCKsTanDCoupling the Trailer to the Tow vehicle Ball Coupler Lock washer and hitch frameTrailer tongue. Wood or concrete blocks may also be used Breakaway Cable surge Brake system Attaching safety ChainBreakaway Brake system PInTLe Hitch COupLeR Connecting Trailer LightsUncoupling the Ball Hitch Pintle Coupler and pintle HookFigure H. Attaching Safety Chain Pintle Hitch Coupling Trailer to Tow vehicle pintle CouplerBe sure lug nuts are tight before each tow TIRe saFeTY Unsafe Tires, Lug nuts or WheelsDetermining Load Limit of Trailer Step Determining Load Limit of Tow vehicle stepLetter Rating Speed Rating TIRe FunDaMenTaLsTable a. speed Rating Replacing Worn or Damaged Tires Tire safety TipsTire Repair Uniform Tire Quality grading standards uTQgsWheels, Bearings and Lug nuts Table B. Tire Wear TroubleshootingWheel Rims Lug nut Torque RequirementsLights and signals Table C. Tire Torque RequirementsLamp Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause SolutionClean fixture When switch is first Checking voltage and ballast Turned onReplacement minimizes color differences Lamp starts slowly ARC does not strike Defective Lamp?Ballast Removal Lamp Troubleshooting GuideConnections StartingElectronic components locator Wiring diagram sheet L3 NEU. GNDTB1 E1 AWG Page HERE’S HOW to GET Help