Multiquip MLT25 Wheel Rims, Wheels, Bearings and Lug nuts, Lug nut Torque Requirements

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safety guidelines — TRAILERS

Table B below will help pinpoint the causes and solutions of tire wear problems.

Table B. Tire Wear Troubleshooting

Wear pattern








Center Wear

Over infl ation.

Adjust pressure to particular


load per tire manufacturer.









Edge Wear

Under infl ation.

Adjust pressure to particular


load per tire manufacturer.










Loss of camber

Make sure load does not


Side Wear

exceed axle rating.


or overloading.



Align wheels.









Toe Wear

Incorrect toe-in.

Align wheels.








Check bearing adjustment


and balance tires.









Flat Spots

Wheel lockup and

Avoid sudden stops when


tire skidding.

possible and adjust brakes.








ALWAYS wear safety glasses when removing or installing force fi tted parts. DO nOT attempt to repair or modify a wheel.

DO NOT install an inner-tube to correct a leak through through the rim. If the rim is cracked, the air pressure in the inner tube may cause

pieces of the rim to explode (break off) with great force and cause serious eye or bodily injury.

Wheel Rims

If the trailer has been struck, or impacted, on or near the wheels, or if the trailer has struck a curb, inspect the rims for damage (i.e. being out of round); and replace any damaged wheel. Inspect the wheels for damage every year, even if no obvious impact has occurred.

Wheels, Bearings and Lug nuts

A loose, worn or damaged wheel bearing is the most common cause of brakes that grab.

To check wheel bearings, jack trailer and check wheels for side-to-side looseness. If the wheels are loose, or spin with a wobble, the bearings must be serviced or replaced. Check infl ation pressure weekly during use to insure the maximum tire life and tread wear. Most trailer axles are built with sealed bearings that are not serviceable. Sealed bearings must be replaced as complete units.


neveR use an pneumatic air gun to tighten wheel lug nuts.

Over-tightening lug nuts will result in breaking the studs or permanently deforming the mounting stud holes in the wheels.


Lug nuts are prone to loosen after initial installation, which can lead to death or serious injury. Check all wheel lug nuts periodically.

Lug nut Torque Requirements

It is extremely important to apply and maintain proper wheel mounting torque on the trailer. Be sure to use only the fasteners matched to the cone angle of the wheel. Proper procedure for attachment of the wheels is as follows:

1.Start all wheel lug nuts by hand.

2.Torque all lug nuts in sequence. See Figure L. DO NOT torque the wheel lug nuts all the way down. Tighten each lug nut in 3 separate passes as defi ned by Table C.

3.Check to see if the lug nuts are tight after the fi rst 10, 25 and 50 miles of driving and before each tow thereafter

Figure L. Wheel Lug Nuts Tightening Sequence

page 40 — MLT25 sERIES LIGHT TOWER • operation manual — rev. #0 (11/28/12)

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Contents Model MLT25 sERIES Proposition 65 warning Reporting Safety Defects NhtsaTable of Contents Specifications are subject to change without noticeSafety Information SaFeTY MessagesSaFeTY sYMBOLs Addresses practices not related to personal injuryGeneRaL saFeTY LIgHT TOWeR saFeTY LaMp saFeTYTOWIng saFeTY TRanspORTIng saFeTY Loading and Tie-Down on Flatbed TruckELeCTRICaL saFeTY „ neveR operate light towerMLT25 Series Specifications Light Tower SpecificationsTrailer Specifications Generator/Engine SpecificationsDimensions DimensionsReference Letter Description Dimension Length Mast Stowed Position Length Mast Deployed PositionGeneral information Metal Halide LampsComponents Major Components Control Panel SideCircuit Breakers, 3-Pole, 15 a Turn the lamps on and off Major Components Front/RearRead all safety instructions at the beginning of manual InspectionBefore starting Check all fastening nuts and bolts for tightnessContact between the two connectors Female and Male ConnectorOperation Starting the EngineMast operation Outriggers and Support StandsRaising the Mast Raising the Mast Lowering the MastStowing the Mast to Horizontal Position Rotating the MastMove the Voltage Selector to the desired position Voltage Selector PositionsMaintenance Generator/ENGINE MaintenanceCheck Cable Wear Servicing the Mast Raise/Lower Cable SystemServicing the Mast Extension Cable System Lower the mast to the horizontal resting positionMaintenance Trailers Manually Adjusting the BrakesTrailer Brakes Hydraulic BrakesAdjustable Channel Hydraulic Brake TroubleshootingWheel Hub Adjustment Leaf SuspensionCOMMOn Causes for LOss of TRaILeR Safety guidelines TrailersTRaILeR TOWIng guIDeLInes DRIvIng COnDITIOns COupLIng to THe TOW veHICLeTRaILeR TOWIng TIps InOpeRaBLe BRaKes, LIgHTs or MIRRORsTRaILeR vIn Tag ELeCTRICaL COnneCTOR TOW veHICLeSuspensIOn sYsTeM BRaKe COnTROLLeRSaFeTY CHaIns TRaILeR LIgHTIng anD BRaKIng COnneCTORBReaKaWaY sYsTeM JaCKsTanDTrailer tongue. Wood or concrete blocks may also be used Lock washer and hitch frameCoupling the Trailer to the Tow vehicle Ball Coupler Breakaway Brake system Attaching safety ChainBreakaway Cable surge Brake system Connecting Trailer Lights Uncoupling the Ball HitchPInTLe Hitch COupLeR Pintle Coupler and pintle HookFigure H. Attaching Safety Chain Pintle Hitch Coupling Trailer to Tow vehicle pintle CouplerDetermining Load Limit of Trailer TIRe saFeTY Unsafe Tires, Lug nuts or WheelsBe sure lug nuts are tight before each tow Step Determining Load Limit of Tow vehicle stepTable a. speed Rating TIRe FunDaMenTaLsLetter Rating Speed Rating Tire safety Tips Tire RepairReplacing Worn or Damaged Tires Uniform Tire Quality grading standards uTQgsTable B. Tire Wear Troubleshooting Wheel RimsWheels, Bearings and Lug nuts Lug nut Torque RequirementsLights and signals Table C. Tire Torque RequirementsLamp Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause SolutionWhen switch is first Checking voltage and ballast Turned on Replacement minimizes color differencesClean fixture Lamp starts slowly ARC does not strike Defective Lamp?Lamp Troubleshooting Guide ConnectionsBallast Removal StartingElectronic components locator Wiring diagram sheet L3 NEU. GNDTB1 E1 AWG Page HERE’S HOW to GET Help