c. Preventative maintenance as outlined in the operator's lnanual.
In addition, you lnust cease using the product immediately upon any failure or damage. The product should be taken to an authorized Husqvarna servicing dealer prior to any further use.
4. Damages | resulting | from | normal | aging, | wear and | tear | or neglect | are NOT covered. | The | Limited Warranty | does | not cover | ||
damage other | than | that | resulting | froln | detects | in material | or | worklnanship. | The t\_llowing | are NOT | considered | detects | in | material or |
worklnanship, | and | therefore are | NOT covered. |
(a)Abrasion to mower decks;
(b)Tires damaged by external punctures;
(c)Natural discoloration of materials due to ultraviolet light;
(d)Damage to cutting equipment by way of contact with, rocks, or other
In addition, this Limited Warranty does not cover damages, malfunctions or fiailures resulting from abuse or neglect of the product related to or including any of the following:
(e)Failure to provide or perforln required lnaintenance services as prescribed in the operator's manual;
(f)Abuse, misuse, neglect, modifications, alterations, normal wear, improper servicing, use of unauthorized attachments, Lack of
lubrication or engine fiailure, due to the use of oils that do not meet Engine lnanu_:acmrer's specifications;
(g)Use of gasohol, comaining lnethanol (wood alcohol). Gasohol which contains a lnaxilnUln 10% ethanol (grain alcohol) or
15% MTBE (lnethyl/tertiary/butyl/ether) is approved;
(h)Use of ether or any starting fluids;
(i)Pressure cleaning or steam cleaning the product;
(i)Use of spark plugs other than those meeting emission perforlnance requirements listed in the operator's manual;
(k) Tampering with engine speed governor or emission components, or running engines above specified and recolnmended engine speeds as listed in your operator's lnanual;
(1)Operation of the unit with improperly installed/removed or modified cutting shields, guards, or safety devices;
(m)Any removed/damaged air filter, excessive dirt, abrasives, salt water, lnoisture, corrosion, rust, varnish, stale fllel, or any adverse reaction due to incorrect storage procedures;
(n)Failures due to improper set up,
(o)Dirt comaminated grease or oil, use of incorrect type of greases or oils, failure to comply with recolnmended greasing intervals, water or lnoisture damage, and/or improper storage;
(p)Sprayers pulnping or spraying caustic or flalnmable materials, lack of or broken strainers; or
(q)Continued use of product, after initial operational problem or t:ailure occurs.
5. Authorized Husqvarna Servicing Dealer/Center. In order to obtain warranty coverage it is your responsibility (at your
expense) to deliver or ship your Husqvarna unit to an authorized Husqvarna Servicing Dealer/Center and arrange for
of your unit after the repairs have been made. If you do not know the location of your nearest authorized Husqvarna Servicing Dealer,
call Husqvarna, at
Should you require assistance or have questions concerning this Limited Warranty, you may contact us at
6. Documentation | Required. | You | lnUSt maimain | and present | Proof | of purchase | (including | date, | product | model and, if applicable, |
| ||||||||
engine | serial nulnber) | to an authorized | Husqvarna | Servicing | Dealer | for | warranty | service | under | this | Limited | Warranty. | Proof | of | |||||
purchase | rests | solely | with | the |
| Husqvarna | encourages | you | to register | your | product | online | at | ||||||
www.asa.h_isqlvama.com | to help | ensure, | alnong other things, | that | you | can | be notified of ilnportant | product | inforlnation. | However, |
registering your product is not a condition of warranty service.
Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor Products N.A., Mc.; Husqvarna Professional Products, Mc.
9335 Harris' Cornels' Parkway (7_arlotte, NC 28269
575 49