4XEM IPCAMW45 manual Video Clip, Video clip file name prefix, Video clip max file size

Models: IPCAMW45

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date and time, which can be used to easily differentiate the snapshot file names in the sequential operation. For instance, “prefix-20030102-030405.jpg” means the JPEG image was captured in the year 2003, January the 2nd, at 3 o’clock, 4 minute, and 5 second. If this suffix is omitted, the file named “video.jpg” on the external FTP server will be refreshed at the specified interval.

Video Clip

Video Clip

Enable videoclip:

Enable/Disable video clip application.

Weekly Schedule

Sun – Sat: Select the days of the week to perform the application.


Select Always or input the time interval.

Video clip file name prefix

The prefix name will be added on the file name of the video clip files.

Video clip max file size

Define the maximum size of one video clip file.

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4XEM IPCAMW45 manual Video Clip, Video clip file name prefix, Video clip max file size