
Appendix F



customer who may purchase more products and who can urge your friends to buy from him or her as well. They integrated and sold the system to you. They should know best what your system configuration is and your problem. They should have reasonable return or refund policies. How they serve you is also a good reference for your next purchase.

5.Contacting ABIT. If you feel that you need to contact ABIT directly you can send email to the ABIT technical support department. First, please contact the support team for the branch office closest to you. They will be more familiar with local conditions and problems and will have better insight as to which resellers offer what products and services. Due to the huge number of emails coming in every day and other reasons, such as the time required for problem reproduction, we will not be able to reply to every email. Please understand that we are selling through distribution channels and don't have the resources to serve every end-user. However, we will try to do our best to help every customer. Please also remember that for many of our technical support team English is a second language, you will have a better chance of getting a helpful answer if your question can be understood in the first place. Be sure to use very, simple, concise language that clearly states the problem, avoid rambling or flowery language and always list your system components. Here is the contact information for our branch offices:

In North America and South America please contact:ABIT Computer (USA) Corporation46808 Lakeview Blvd.Fremont, California 94538, U.S.A. sales@abit-usa.comtechnical@abit-usa.comTel: 1-510-623-0500Fax: 1-510-623-1092In the UK and Ireland:ABIT Computer Corporation Ltd.Unit 3, 24-26 Boulton RoadStevenage, Herts

SG1 4QX, UK abituksales@compuserve.com abituktech@compuserve.com Tel: 44-1438-228888

Fax: 44-1438-226333

In Germany and Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) countries: AMOR Computer B.V. (ABIT's European Office)

Van Coehoornstraat 7,5916 PH Venlo, The Netherlands sales@abit.nl technical@abit.nl

Tel: 31-77-3204428

Fax: 31-77-3204420

SD7-533 Motherboard