CheetahSwitch Workgroup-4508
Statistics: Includes all the tools needed to monitor your network for common
errors and overall traffic rates. Information is provided on bandwidth utilization,
peak utilization, packet types, errors and collisions, as well as the distribution of
packet sizes.
History: Can be used to create a record of network utilization, packet types, errors
and collisions. You need a historical record of activity to be able to track down
intermittent problems. Historical data can also be used to establish normal
baseline activity, which may reveal problems associated with high traffic levels,
broadcast storms, or other unusual events. Historical information can also be used
to predict network growth and plan for expansion before your network becomes
too overloaded.
Alarms: Can be set to test data over any specified time interval, and can monitor
absolute or changing values (such as a statistical counter reaching a specific
value, or a statistic changing by a certain amount over the set interval). Alarms can
be set to respond to either rising or falling thresholds.
Events: Defines the action to take when an alarm is triggered. The response to an
alarm can include recording the alarm in the Log Table or sending a message to a
trap manager. Note that the Alarm and Event Groups are used together to record
important events or immediately respond to critical network problems.