5 Software
Display DeviceDisplay Device is used to control var ious settings related to the display device(s),
such as the display bright ne s s/contrast levels.
The items in this scree n include:
• Boot Display Device. Sets the default dis play device on boot-up.
• Switching display device. Sets the current display device.
Note: Make sure an external monitor is connected before Exte rnal monitor is
• Brightness for LCD Panel. Click and drag to set the LCD screen brightness
and contrast levels
Note: TFT active-matrix LCDs have fixed and optimized contrast levels.
Click on the radio button of the desired item , then click on Apply to activate the
setting. To modify the bright ness and/or contrast levels, click and hold the slider
control and move to the right to in cre as e or move to the le ft to d ecrea se the se ttin g.
You can also click on the item and use the cursor keys to set the desired level.