Getting help and supportThis user’s guide provides clear and concise information about the computer, so
read it thoroughly. To provide you with help when t ra vel in g, th e co mput er also h as
a comprehensive online help.
Accessing online help
Follow these steps to acces s the online documentati o n:
1. Press the Windows logo button or click on the Start button.
2. Select Programs.
3. Click on TravelMate Online .
The online help is easy to navigate with hypertext and hypergraphics. Clear
illustrations help describe noteb ook operation as well.
Support information
Your computer is backed by an International Traveler’s Warranty (ITW) that gives
you security and peace of mind when trav el ing. O ur w orld wide net wor k of ser vi ce
centers are there to give you a helping hand.
An ITW passport comes with your computer. This passport contains all you need
to know about the ITW program. A list of availabl e, aut hor ized ser vic e ce nters are
in this handy booklet. Read this passport thoroughly.
Note: Always have your ITW passport on hand, especially when you travel,
to receive the benefits from our support centers. Place your proof-of-
purchase in the flap located inside th e front cover of the ITW passport.
If the country you are traveling in does not have an Acer-authorized ITW service
site, you can still get in contact with our offices worldwide.
For technical assistance and support in the United States and Canada, you can call
1-800-816-2237. You can also contact a local dealer or distributor in the country
you are traveling in for assi st ance.
To view support information, follow these steps:
1. Click on Start, Settings, Control Pane l.
2. Double-click on System.