To install a battery pack, slide it into the batte ry compartment, the n latch the
battery compartment cover.
Reverse the procedure to remove the batte ry pack.
Charging the batteryTo charge the battery, slide the battery pack into the battery bay and plug the AC
adapter into the computer and an electrical outlet.
Charging modes
The adapter has th ree charging modes:
•Rapid mode
The computer uses rapid charging when power is turned off and a powered
AC adapter is connected to it. In rapid mode, a fully depleted battery gets
fully charged in approximately two hours.
•Charge-in-use mode
When the computer is in use with the AC adapt er plugged in, the computer
also charges the battery pack if in st alled. This mode will take lo ng e r to fully
charge a battery than rapid mode. In charge-in-use mode, a fully depleted
battery gets fully charged in approximately 4 hours.
Note: We suggest that you charge the battery pack before retiring for the day,
letting it charge overnight before traveli ng. This ensures a fully charged
battery for use the next day.