5 Software
84The table below describes the parameters in this screen. Settings in boldf ace are the default and suggested parameter settings.
Parameter Description
Serial Port Enables or disables the serial port.
Options: Enabled or Disabled
Base Address Sets the I/O address of the serial port.
Options: 3F8h, 2F8h, 3E8h or 2E8h
IRQ Sets the interrupt request of the serial port.
Options: 4 or 11
Parallel Port Enables or disables the parallel port.
Options: Enabled or Disabled
Base Address Sets the I/O address of the parallel port.
Options: 378h, 278h or 3BCh
IRQ Sets the interrupt request of the paralle l port.
Options: 7 or 5
Mode Sets the operation mode of the parallel port.
Options: ECP, EPP, Bidirectional or Standard
Channel Se ts a DMA channel for the printer to operate in ECP mode. This
parameter is enabled only if Operation M ode is set to ECP.
Options: 1 or 3