5 Software
1. Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to highlight a password parameter (Setup, Power-on, or
Hard Disk) and press the Enter key. The passwo rd box appears:
2. Type a password. The password may consist of up to eight alphanumeric
characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9).
Important: Be very careful when typing your password because the
characters do not appear on the screen.
3. Press Enter. The retype password box appears.
4. Retype the password to verify your first entry and press Enter.
After setting the password , the com puter automatically sets th e ch osen
password parameter to Present.
5. Press Esc to return to the main menu.
6. Press Esc. The following dialog box appears.
7. Select Yes and press Enter to save the passw ord and exit the BIOS Utility.
Changing a passwordTo change a password, follow the same steps used to set a password.
Removing a passwordTo remove a password, use the ↑ and ↓ keys to h ighli gh t a pas swo rd pa rame te r and
press the “Enter” key as the first character.