Parallel/Serial Ports
Execute “Load BIOS Default Settings” in B IOS Setup to confirm p orts presence before diagnosing any paralle l/serial
ports problems.
Serial or parallel port loop-b ack test failed. 1. Make sure that the LPT# or COM# y ou test is the same as the
setting in BIOS Setup.
2. Loop-back.
3. System board.
Printing failed. 1. Ensure the printer dri ver is properly installe d. Refer to the print er
service manual.
2. Printer.
3. Printer cable.
4. System board.
Printer problems. 1. Re fer to the service manual for th e printer.
Some or all keys on keyboard do not work. 1. Keyboard
Power Supply
Pressing power switch does not turn off
system. (Only unpl ugging the power cor d
from electrical outl et can turn off the system.)
1. Ensure the Power Switch < 4 sec. in BIO S Setup of Power
Management is not set to Suspend.
2. Power switch cable assembly
Pressing power switch does not turn on the
system. 1. Ensure the power over ride switch (situated at the back of the
machine, just above th e connector for the power cabl e) is not set
to OFF.
2. Power switch cable assembly.
Executing software s hutdown from
Windows98 Start menu do es not turn off the
system. (Only pre ssing power switch ca n turn
off the system).
1. Load default settings.
2. Reload software from R ecovery CD.
No system power, or po wer supply fan is not
running. 1. Power Supply
2. System Board
Other Problems
Any other problems. 1. Undeter mined Problems
Error Symptom Action/FRU