Actiontec Wireless Digital Media Player Manual

Internet Security - - To change the Player’s type of Internet Security, highlight the Internet Security list box, then press Enter on the remote. A list of options appears (SSL2, SSL3, TLSV1/SSL2/SSL3). Select a level of Internet security, then press Enter on the remote. The level of Internet secu- rity of the Player changes to the level of security selected.

Note: It is recommended that the default Internet security set- ting (SSL2 [Secure Sockets Layer 2]) be left unchanged.

Video Setting - - To change the Player’s video setting, highlight the Video Setting list box, then press Enter on the remote. A list of settings appears (Composite/S-Video NTSC, Component NTSC, Composite/S-Video PAL, etc.). After consulting the documentation of the televi- sion or monitor connected to the Player to find out which video setting to select, highlight it, then press Enter on the remote. The video setting of the Player changes to the setting selected.

Note: For most standard televisions, the default setting (Composite/S-Video NTSC) should be left unchanged.

Video Zoom - To change the Player’s video zoom, highlight the Video Zoom list box, then press Enter on the remote. A list of video zoom settings appears (Fit to screen, Full screen, Actual size). Highlight a video zoom setting, then press Enter on the remote. The video zoom of the Player changes to the setting selected. Video zoom works only when a video is playing

Audio Setting - - To change the Player’s audio setting, highlight the Audio Setting list box, then press Enter on the remote. A list of settings appears (Stereo Output, AC3 5.1 Output). After consulting the docu- mentation of the audio receiver connected to the Player to find out which audio setting to select, highlight it, then press Enter on the remote. The audio setting of the Player changes to the setting selected.

Browse Option - To enable the Player’s com-

pact browser, click in the box next to “Enable Compact Browser” and place an “x” there. The compact browser causes interface elements on the television screen (buttons, etc.) to shrink or move closer together, enabling smaller screens to display more interface elements


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Actiontec electronic DMP011000-01 user manual Actiontec Wireless Digital Media Player Manual