Watching and Recording TV with WinDVR
Capturing a Still Image
You can capture still images from TV programs using the WinDVR Control Panel.
Note: You can capture still images while you’re watching live TV, or while you’re playing back a recorded program.
To capture a still image:
1At any time while you’re watching TV, click the Still Image button (shown at right) on the WinDVR Control Panel.
The image you capture appears in the Capture window.
2Use the Capture window buttons to save or delete the image. Files can be saved in bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) format.
3Continue capturing more still images from the Capture window using the Still Image button, or close the Capture window.
Customizing WinDVR
You can change the WinDVR settings at any time. To make changes to the WinDVR
1Open the TV Panel and click the Setup button. (See page 25 for instructions.)
The Setup window opens.
2Make setting changes as required. Click ? on the Control Panel if you need help understanding the setting options.
3Click Apply, then click OK.