Orange dot indicators in the Select Host menu

Within the Select Host menu, each listed host has a coloured dot associated with it to indicate its general status: Green for accessible and Red for inaccessible.

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Green: Host accessible













Red: Host inaccessible

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Orange: Inconsistency related

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to a cascade connection.

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There is, however, a third state where the dot turns Orange. An orange dot against a host entry indicates that an inconsistency relating specifically to cascaded hosts.

The problem can occur for two main reasons, either:

A cascaded computer (or multiple computers) has been added to an address such as 0301, however, there is still a registered entry for a directly connected host at address 03. Thus, the now non-existent host at 03 will be marked with an orange dot.

A previously connected cascade has been removed and a computer connected directly instead. This will cause all of the entries for the removed cascaded hosts to be marked with orange dots. If they are not to be re- instated, then the administrator should delete the entries.

If you attempt to select an entry marked with an orange dot (by the menu, by hotkeys or from the VNC viewer) you will see an error message stating ‘computer not connected’.

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Image 37
Adder Technology 5000 manual Orange dot indicators in the Select Host menu