14 Document # 50075 Rev B 3/13/95
Relay Driver
The UNI•COM's open collector output on TB3, terminal 2 is provided for Communi-
cator Failure and UNI•COM trouble. It can be used to drive UL listed relay MR-101/
C or MR-201/C. The output is rated for 40 mA and is power-limited. The normal
condition for the output is Off (deenergized).
Communicator Failure occurs when the maximum number of attempts to reach both
central stations has taken place or when both phone lines are disconnected.
UNI•COM trouble conditions include loss of telephone line voltage to the primary or
secondary phone lines, communication failure to the primary or secondary central
stations or entry into Programming, Troubleshoot or Type Mode..
Wiring from the UNI•COM terminal TB3 to the relay must be in the same room no
more than 20 feet in length and enclosed in conduit. Wiring from the relay output
contacts must also remain in the same room as the UNI•COM.
When the UNI•COM is programmed as 'Receive Only' (typically this occurs when
annunciators are also used and are set for 'Receive/Transmit'), the relay output is
used to provide a UNI•COM trouble input to the host control panel. For Unimode
200 applications, use a monitor module to supervise the relay closure. Refer to
Figure 2-3. Program the adjective and noun fields for 'DACT Trouble'. For
Unimode II or Unimode 4-16 applications, wire the relay output to the annunciator
trouble input circuit or use the relay to trigger zone trouble.
When the UNI•COM is programmed as 'Receive/Transmit', EIA-485 supervision and
UNI•COM trouble status are automatically handled by the host control panel.
Figure 2-2: Relay Driver ConnectionsEarth Gnd
Comm Fail
+24 VDC
Earth Gnd
Comm Fail
+24 VDC
* Note: The MR-101/C and MR-201/C include an enclosure.
MR-101/C *
MR-201/C *
Relay Energized LED
SPDT Contacts
10 Amps
@ 115 VAC
Connections must be
in same room as
DPDT Contacts
10 Amps
@ 115 VAC
Relay Energized LED
All wiring to relay must
be in same room within
20 feet of UNI•COM and
in conduit.