8.2Fault Diagnosis / Fault Rectification
The PROTEC C. generates detailed error messages. Support personal can localise and interpret faults quickly and precisely. Search for the right method and solutions recommendations referring to the errors according to chapter 8.1.1.
8.2.1 | Error Messages |
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| UPS does not start. No | Mains and battery voltage | Check building wiring |
| indication, no warning tone | not in the tolerance range, | socket outlet and input |
| even though system is | possible battery deep | cable. |
| connected to mains power | discharge. |
| supply. |
| LED “Line” blinks and | Phase and neutral | Rotate mains power |
| audible signal sounding | conductor at input of UPS | socket by 180° or |
| every 3 minutes. | system are reversed. | connect UPS system. |
| (Error No. 14) |
| LED “Line” blinks and LED | Input power and/or | Check input power |
| “Battery” lights up. | frequency are out of | source (Voltage, |
| tolerance. | frequency) and inform |
| house electrician if |
| necessary. |
| LED “Inverter” and LED | Mains power supply has | Try to replace mains |
| “Battery” lights up, and | failed. Automatic switch to | supply (possibly |
| audible signal sounding | battery mode. | triggered fuse in sub- |
| every 4 seconds. |
| distribution). When |
| audible signal sounding |
| LED “Inverter” and LED |
| every second, battery |
| “Battery” lights up, and |
| is almost empty. At this |
| audible signal sounding |
| point it is time to |
| every seconds. |
| proceed with an system |
| (Battery state No. 12/13) |
| shutdown of all your IT |
| equipment. | |
| |
| LED “Fault” lights, warning | Overload of the UPS | Reduce utilizations of |
| tone once a second. | system. | UPS by removing loads |
| (Error No. 12/13) |
| of UPS output. |