Using the Agilent 83434A
Quick Confidence Check
If the verification check fails
If the lightwave receiver does not pass the verification check, you should
review the procedure being performed when the problem occurred. A few
minutes spent performing some simple checks may save waiting for you r
instrument to be repaired. Before calling Agilent Technologies or returning
the unit for service, please make the following checks:
1Is the line fuse good?
2Does the line socket have power?
3Is the unit plugged in to the proper ac power source?
4Is the unit turned on? Verify the green light-emitting diode (LED) next to th e
line switch is on, indicating that the power supply is on .
5If other equipment, cables, and connectors are being used with the lightwave
receiver, are they connected properly and operating correctly?
6Review the procedure for the test being performed when the problem
appeared. Are all the settings correct?
7Are the connectors clean? Refer to “Cleaning Connectors” on page 3-15 for
more information about cleaning the connectors.
If the lightwave receiver still fails, you can:
Return the lightwave receiver to Agilent Tec hn ologies for repair. If the light-
wave receiver is still under warranty or is covered by an Agilent Technologies
maintenance contract, it will be repaired under the terms of the warra nty o r
contract (the warranty is at the front of this manual). If the lightwave receiver
is no longer under warranty or is not cove red by an Agilent Technologies
maintenance plan, Agilent Technologies will notify you of the cos t of the repair
after examining the unit. Refer to ���Instrument Service” on page 3-18 for more
WARNING No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified
personnel. To prevent electrical shock do not remove covers.