International call
To dial an international call, touch and hold to enter “+”, then enter the international country prefix followed by the full phone number and finally touch
Emergency call
If your phone has network coverage, dial emergency number and touch to make an emergency call. This works even without a SIM card and without typing the PIN code.
Make a call with two SIM cards, a dialog will popup for you to choose a SIM card. The system will choose the default one if the countdown time is over.
3.1.2Answering or rejecting a call
When you receive a call, touch .
•Slide rightward to answer;
•Slide leftward to reject;
•Slide upward to reject the call by sending a preset message.
To mute the ringtone volume of an incoming call, press the Volume up/down key or turn the phone face down if Turn over to mute is activated. To activate, touch Settings\Gestures\Turn over to mute or touch Phone\Settings\Other settings\Turn over to mute.
3.1.3Calling your voicemail
Your voicemail is provided by your network to avoid missing calls. It works like an answering machine that you can consult at any time.
To access your voicemail, touch and hold on Phone tab.
To set your voicemail number, touch and hold the Menu key and touch
Settings\Call settings\Voice call\Voicemail.
If you receive a voicemail, a voicemail icon appears on the Status bar. Open the Notification panel, touch New voicemail.
3.1.4During a call
To adjust the volume during a call, press the Volume up/down key.
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