9.2 Inbox
Select Menu/Messages/Inbox to access the list of messages in this box. Press the left soft key for the following options: View, Reply, Delete, Forward, Call, and IP Call.
View: Review the contents of the current messages. From the contents, press the left soft key
for the following options: Reply, Delete, Forward, Extract details, Call, IP call.
Reply: Send a message to the sender of the current message.
Delete: Delete a message.
Forward: Modify the contents of a message and send it.
Call: Call the number of the sender of the message.
IP Call: Call the number of the sender of the message with IP prefix.
9.3 Outbox
Select Menu/SMS/Outbox to access the list of messages in this box. Press the left soft key for the following options: View, Resend, Forward, and Delete.
View: review the detailed contents of a message. Press the left soft key in the message
detailed contents for the options: Resend, Forward or Delete.
Resend: Resend the message.
Forward: Modify the message and send it
Delete: Delete the message.
9.4 Drafts
Select Menu/SMS/Drafts to access the list of messages in the drafts box. Press the left soft key for the following options: View, Delete and Forward.
View: Review the message currently in the drafts.
Delete: Delete the message.
Forward: Modify the message and send it.
9.5 Template
Select Menu/SMS/Template to access the list of messages template. Press the up/down key to select the message you want.