Note: Registries are databases which hold information about where the podcast is located on the web, descriptions, and so on. Registries work much in the same way as an Internet search engine (e.g., Google.com). They don’t contain the audio files – they just register your Podcasts so that others can find you. These registries are checked by programs called aggregators (such as iTunes), which update their podcast listings and make them available to the program’s listeners. Any podcast that a listener is interested in can be ‘subscribed’ to which then tells the aggregator to check for new episodes of the Podcast periodically. Usually the aggregator programs check registries about once every hour or so.
8.Now you can choose the file that you would like to upload. Click on File Select file(s) on the applet on the screen.
9.Find the mp3 that you recorded with Audacity and click Open.
10.The last step is to describe your episode. Type in the filename and a description and click on Save & End.
Tip: MP3 files have embedded information in them (called ID3 tags) that describe the audio file created. This includes information such as Artist, Track Name, Album, etc. This information is automatically updated for you by Cyberears.com so that any person downloading the audio file will get the information ‘tagged’ on it that is consistent with the Podcast information you have submitted.
11.And you are all done! You have successfully published your podcast. Now listeners around the world can check out your podcast and subscribe to it if they wish.
Tip: Make sure that your podcast was properly uploaded and registered by using an aggregator program such as iTunes to find your podcast. Remember, however, that some aggregators might not be checking certain registries. This is why it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different podcast registries and aggregators on the Internet in order for your podcasts to reach the largest audience possible. Also keep in mind that registries take some time to update their listings of new Podcasts. It’s not uncommon for registries such as iTunes to take weeks to add your Podcast to their listing. Typically you will be sent an
Tip: Cyberears.com have bundled a free 30 day account with your Alesis Podcasting Kit. At the end of this 30 day period, you will receive notifications from Cyberears.com to allow you to purchase a subscription account directly with them and extend your hosting while the subscription is active. There are different levels of service subscriptions available. Check with www.cyberears.com for more information on your subscription options.