Stack Installation Guide for 8100S Series Switches
Verifying the InstallationTo verify the installation of the stack, perform the following procedure:
1. Establish a local or Telnet management session on the master switch
of the stack. For instructions, refer to “Starting a Local Management
Session” on page 82 or “Starting a Telnet Management Session” on
page 83. If you are establishing a local management session, you
must use the Console port on the master switch, which has the lowest
ID number of all the switches in the stack.
2. Move to the Privileged Exec mode with the ENABLE command and
then enter the SHOW STACK command:
awplus> enable
awplus# show stack
The command lists the switches in the stack. An example is show in
Figure 44.
Figure 44. SHOW STACK Command
3. Match the entries in the table with the switches in the equipment rack
by referring to the labels on the front panels of the units. The ID
number and MAC address on a switch’s label should match the unit’s
entry in the table. For example, the switch labeled 2 and assigned the
stack ID number 2 should correspond to DeviceID 2 in the table.
If there is a mismatch or if the window is not displaying all of the
switches, you may have connected the stacking cables incorrectly or
assigned the wrong stack ID number to a switch. To correct the
problem, try the following:
Verify that the S1 and S2 ports are properly cabled. The stacking
cables must crossover to different ports on the switches. For
instructions, refer to “Cabling the Stacking Ports” on page 87.
Stack Info:
Number of Modules: 4
Topology: Chain
Local Module ID: 1
Local MAC Address: 00:00:54:55:56:18
Master Module ID: 1
Master MAC Address: 00:00:54:55:56:18
1 00:00:54:55:56:18 2.2.2 AT-8100S/24
2 00:00:54:55:56:c4 2.2.2 AT-8100S/24POE
3 00:00:54:55:56:30 2.2.2 AT-8100S/24C
4 00:00:54:55:56:92 2.2.2 AT-8100S/24POE