Chapter 2: Stacking Overview
instructs the other switches to designate that filename as the active boot
configuration file so that they use that file if they become the master
Here is an example of how the process works. Let’s assume your stack
has three switches, assigned the ID numbers 1 to 3. The switch with the ID
number 1 is the master switch because it has the lowest ID number of all
the switches in the stack. Now assume that you use the BOOT CONFIG-
FILE to create a new active boot configuration file for the stack and call it
STACKBLF2RM4.CFG. After configuring some of the stack parameter
settings, you issue the WRITE command. In response, the master switch
updates the STACKBLF2RM4.CFG file with your changes and then
transmits it, with the new name BOOT.CFG, over the stacking ports to the
other switches. In turn, they store the file in their file systems and, if they
have not already, designate it as their active boot configuration file, so that
they use that file should they become the master switch.
Now assume that you remove the master switch from the stack. The
switch with the ID number 2 becomes the new master switch because it
has the next lowest ID number. The configuration settings of the two
remaining switches remain the same, even with the removal of the original
master switch, because the new master switch has the same active boot
configuration. The file just happens to have a different name. On the
original master switch it was called STACKBLF2RM4.CFG, but on the new
master unit it is BOOT.CFG.
So does this mean that you should use BOOT.CFG as the filename for the
active boot configuration files on your stacks? It does not matter so long
as you remember that if you use a different name, the master switch
changes it to BOOT.CFG when it sends the file to the member switches.