Chapter 9: Adding or Removing Switches
Adding a New Member Switch
Here are the guidelines to adding a new member switch to a stack:
You have to power off a stack to add new member switches. To
minimize the disruption to network users, you should add new
switches to a stack during non-business hours.
Adding a new member switch to an active stack is not
recommended because it may cause unpredictable results.
The configurations settings on a new member switch in a stack are
returned to the default settings. If a new member switch was used
as a stand-alone unit in your network and you want it to have the
same configuration in the stack, you have to recreate the
configuration after connecting it to the stack.
A stack may not have more than eight switches.
The correct sequence of steps to adding a new switch to an
existing stack is to assign the ID number and then power it off
before connecting it to the stack.
A new member switch automatically becomes the new master
switch of the stack if it has a lower ID number than the current
master switch. This may cause the stack to lose its configuration.
Before adding a new switch to an existing stack, check that its
version of the AlliedWare Plus management software is the same
as the other switches. If necessary, update the management
software on the switch before adding it to the stack.
Here are the steps to perform on the new member switch before adding it
to the existing stack:
1. If the new member switch is currently operating as a stand-alone
device in your network and you want it to have the same configuration
when it is part of the stack, upload its configuration file to your
workstation or a TFTP server. perform these steps:
a. Start a local management session on the switch. For instructions,
refer to “Verifying and Setting the Stack ID Numbers” on page 82.
b. Move to the Privileged Exec mode with the ENABLE command
and enter the SHOW BOOT command to identify the name of the
active boot configuration file:
awplus> enable
awplus# show boot