∙If enabled (refer to SET UP MODE 07), Click the Store Button once after storing data
∙The text field will blink. If the field has no entry, it will display “UNKNOWN” and the first character will blink.
∙The Sensitivity control dial can be used to scroll through the alphabet,
∙To enter, click the Sensitivity Control Dial to enter the text character.
∙The next location to the right will then blink. Continue until through or until all 8 fields are filled.
∙If an error in recording a letter or number occurs, click the Sensitivity Control Dial and the cursor will move to the right. Continue clicking the Sensitivity Control Dial and the cursor will “wrap” around to the right until the desired location is reached. As explained above, spin the Sensitivity Control Dial until the corrected entry is displayed and “click” the Sensitivity Control Dial to enter the text character.
∙When the text is correct, click the yellow Store Button to save and store the text. The instrument will return to the Operation Mode.
Location: 001
Text: [ UNKNOWN ]
Text Editor Display
To enter the Set Up Mode:
1. Make sure the Ultraprobe is off.
2. Press (click) both the Yellow Store button and the Sensitivity dial at the same time. Only after these two controls have been pressed, then squeeze the trigger. NOTE: Hold the Trigger in during any of the Set Up Mode operations.
3. When in the first Menu mode: Data Transfer, you may move to any of the other Menu modes by spinning the Sensitivity Control up or down (clockwise or counter clockwise).
4. When the desired Menu mode is reached, push (Click) the Sensitivity Control in.
5. You may spin to enter and exit any Menu mode in the Set Up mod as long as the trigger on/off switch is pressed
01 Data Transfer
NOTE: Before downloading data, be sure the Ultraprobe is connected to the computer.
To download data from the Ultraprobe to your computer:
1.Follow steps
2.The first selection to be displayed on the screen will be Menu 01, Data Transfer.
3.Click the Sensitivity Control Dial and all the data will be transferred to the PC. (NOTE: For software management, refer to UltratrendTm Instructions.)
Menu 01 | Select |
Data Transfer |