In order to display the
1) [VER] | Receives software version |
2)[C] Receives status of the card
3) [CnS] | Save card settings |
4)[?] Show system cards
5) | [?C] | Show card information |
6) | [STA1] | Enable auto feedback |
7) | [STA0] | Disable auto feedback |
8) | [ON] | Turn on one or more outputs |
9) | [OFF] | Turn off one or more outputs |
10) | […S] | Save the command being sent |
11) | […F] | Show command feedback |
12) | […P] | Sets the path, preload for [SW] |
13) | [SW] | Switch preloaded output buffer |
14) | [IO] | Connect an input to output |
15) | [IO*] | Connect an input to all outputs |
16) | [CLR] | Reset card to default values |
17) | [OSI] | Set input offset |
18) | [OSO] | Set output offset |
19) | [FBD] | Feedback delay on/off |
ID Commands |
| |
20) | [RSI] | Reset Card IDs |
21) | [SIDn] | Set all Card IDs |
22) | [SIDnCi] | Set one Card ID |
23) | [SID+] | Set Card ID offset |
24) | [RSN] | Read Card slot number |
Group Commands | ||
25) | [WR] Groups multiple cards |
26)[RMC] Remove members from group
27)[RMG] Delete group
28) | [RD] Displays group members | |
Volume/Matrix Commands | ||
29) | [TEST] | Test internal memory ICs |
30) | [VLO] | Set absolute output volume |
31) | [SEL] | Select input volume to adjust |
32) | [ + ] | Increment volume |
33) | [ - ] | Decrement volume |
34) | [RUP] | Ramp UP to max (32) |
35) | [RDN] | Ramp DOWN to min (0) |
36) | [RUPm] | Ramp volume UP to max (32) |
37) | [RUPm=] | Ramp volume UP to a value |
38) | [RDNm] | Ramp volume DOWN to min (0) |
39) | [RDNm=] | Ramp volume DOWN to a value |
40) | [RST] | Stop ramping |
41) | [RAMP] | Display ramp rate |
42) | [RAMP=] | Set ramp rate |
43) | [MUT0] | Output Volume ON |
44) | [MUT1] | Output Volume OFF |
45) | [MAT] | Matrix Configuration |
46) | [HELP] | Display available commands |
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