h. Voltage to the dryer is incorrect... check dryer data label for specified voltage.
2. Failed overload protector.
E. Impellor (fan) motor is not operating (does not start)... "door" L.E.D. is on.
* Microprocessor controller (computer) MTR relay output indicator is on.
1. Failed blower (impellor and fan) motor fuses or overloads.
2. Failed blower (impellor and fan) motor contactor (relay).
3. Failed blower (fan and impellor) motor.
* Microprocessor controller (computer) MTR relay output indicator is off.
1. Failed microprocessor controller (computer).
F. Blower (fan and impellor) motor operates okay for a few minutes and then either repeatedly or
occasionally trips the overload protector...
CONTROLLER (computer) L.E.D. (light emitting diode) DISPLAY WILL READ
1. Motor is overheating ...
a. Motor air vents clogged with lint.
b. Low voltage to motor.
c. Failed motor.
d. Tumbler (basket) is binding... check for an obstruction.
e. Failed gear reducer or tumbler bearing.
f. V-belts are too tight.
h. Motor is running at incorrect voltage.
2. Failed overload protector.
G. Both drive motor and blower (fan/impellor) motor are not operating... microprocessor
controller (computer) L.E.D. (light emitting diode) motor indicator dots and the MTR
relay output and forward FWD or reverse REV L.E.D. indicators are on.
1. Blown drive motor and blower (fan and impellor) motor fuses.