NOTE: Lint drawer must be ALL the way in place to activate the safety switch otherwise the dryer will not start.
9.Rotate the tumbler (basket/drum) by hand to be sure it moves freely.
10.Check bolts, nuts, screws, terminals, and fittings for security.
11.Check to insure air supply (80 PSI [5.512 bars]) is connected to the dryer.
If the dryer is to be shut down (taken out of service) for a period of time, the following must be performed:
1.Discontinue power to the dryer either at the external disconnect switch or the circuit breaker.
2.Discontinue the heat supply:
a.GAS MODELS ... discontinue the gas supply...
1)SHUT OFF external gas supply
2)SHUT OFF internal gas supply
b.STEAM MODELS ... discontinue the steam supply...
1)SHUT OFF external (location furnished)
2)SHUT OFF internal steam valves located in the supply lines and the return lines.