WAVE 2-Way Wireless Accessories and Adapters for Touch Panels Introduction 7
Rear panel
The rear panel has an RF antenna and a 4-pin AXlink bus connector. Figure 5 shows
the AXR-WAVES rear panel.
ANTENNARight-angle, flexible, bi-directional RF antenna.
AXlinkFour-pin (male) connector connects to the Central Controller to re-
ceive AXlink control data and 12 VDC power.
The WAV-PK full-sized TiltScreen touch panel controls and indicators are described
in the following paragraphs.
Front panel
The front of the WAV-PK power pack contains a connector that mates with the full-
sized TiltScreen touch panels. This connector provides both power and data connec-
tions. Figure 6 shows the WAV-PK front panel and connector.
Figure 5
AXR-WAVES rear panel