WAVE 2-Way Wireless Accessories and Adapters for Touch Panels Introduction 3
What’s New
Updates to this manual include:
• Battery usage, safety warnings, and caution information
• Updated technical support information
All other revisions are identified by vertical margin bars as shown adjacent to this
AXR-WAVES AXR-WAVES features include:
• 2-way RF communications with up to 16 TiltScreen touch panels equipped
with wireless power packs
• 2-way communication via a 2.4 GHz frequency hopping, spread spectrum
WAV-PK WAV-PK features include:
• 2-way RF communications with an AXR-WAVES server
• Mobility for full-sized TiltScreen touch panels
• Integrated power management features for longer battery life
• Built-in antenna
• Rechargeable lead-acid battery (WAV-BP WavePack Battery)
• Lithium battery maintains the flash RAM
WAV-PKM WAV-PKM features include:
• 2-way RF communications with an AXR-WAVES server
• Mobility for Mini-TiltScreen Touch Panels
• Integrated power management
• Built-in antenna
The WAV-PK contains two
small lithium batteries that will
last approximately 5 years.
The batteries are not user re-
placeable, and the WAV-PK
must be returned to Panja for
battery replacement.
The most recharge cycles are
available when the battery is
recharged before the battery
drains completely.