10 Introduction WAVE 2-Way Wireless Accessories and Adapters for Touch Panels
Front panel
Figure 10 shows the front panel for the WAV-LNK and its switches and indicators
are described below.
AXlinkThis LED lights when an active AXlink connection is established.
GROUP ADDRESSEight-position DIP switch sets the group address (0
through 255).
GROUP IDFour-position DIP switch sets the control group identification
address (0 through 15).
STATUSRed LED flashes during normal operation.
RXRed LED lights when the WAV-LNK receives RF control data.
Rear panel
Figure 11 shows the WAV-LNK rear panel and its connectors. They are:
AXlinkThe AXlink connector provides a 4-wire connection to any device
(including a CardFrame equipped with an AXC-EM Enhanced Master con-
troller) which uses AXlink signaling. This connection also provides power
out to the connected devices.
PWRThe PWR connector is used when connecting an external power sup-
ply, such as one or more WAV-PK power modules or a PS4.2 power supply.
Figure 10
WAV-LNK front panel