-Way Wireless Accessories and Adapters for Touch Panels Pre-Installation 21
Fully charged WAV-BP and WAV-BPM lead-acid batteries provide approximately 2-
hours of continuous touch panel operation running at full LCD brightness. How-
ever, you can use the touch panel's sleep mode and LCD timeout features to signifi-
cantly increase the operation time per charge. Refer to the touch panel's instruction
manual to activate these features.
In addition to being a power source, the WAV-PM WaveLink Power Module has
built-in fast charging circuitry that will allow charging of a 12 VDC, 2.3 AH battery
in approximately four hours.
Figure 23
Optional WAV-CHG Fast-
Cycle Battery Charger
Battery holder with Fast
Cycle circuitry
LED charging indicator
Power supply connector
Power Supply