Chapter 3 Manually Configuring Devices 31
PPTP Settings
When you manually configure the device for PPTP VPN, a screen similar to the
following appears:
Use this chart to identify the settings and information you enter:
Field Description
Description A descriptive title that identifies this group of settings.
Server The DNS name or IP address of the VPN server to connect to.
Account The user name of the user’s VPN login account.
RSA SecurID If you’re using an RSA SecurID token, turn on this option, so the
Password field is hidden.
Password The passphrase of the user’s VPN login account.
Encryption Level Auto is the default, which selects the highest encryption level that
is available, starting with 128-bit, then 40-bit, then None. Maximum
is 128-bit only. None turns off encryption.
Send All Traffic Defaults to On. Sends all network traffic over the VPN link. Turn off
to enable split-tunneling, which routes only traffic destined for
servers inside the VPN through the server. Other traffic is routed
directly to the Internet.