The rating setting is used in conjunction with the password to restrict the content of DVD titles that may be played. To change this setting the parental control must be unlocked.
The term ‘Parental level’ refers to a standard defined for DVDs. DVD movies have a parental level between 1 and 8. Note that this only applies to DVD video discs that have the parental level correctly implemented. Some DVD video titles do not respond to parental control settings, and Video CDs have no mechanism for parental control.
View All Titles of all parental levels will be played
No Adult Only material of parental level 4 or less may be played.This corresponds to the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) rating of
Kids Only Only material of parental level 1 may be played. This corresponds to MPAA rating G.
Once the rating level has been set, DVD titles with parental level higher than the setting will not play. Sometimes DVD video titles may be produced that have the parental level set for specific scenes, so a disc will play but skip or substitute certain scenes.
This setting controls the ‘pop up’ messages that appear on screen.
Off No
Certain messages, such as ‘No Disc’ are always shown regardless of how this is set.
V i d e o S e t u p 2 / 3
T V t y p e : 4 : 3 p a n s c a n
H Q v i d e o : R G B S C A RT
T V s y s t e m : PA L
B l a c k s e t u p : 0 I R E
This needs to be set correctly for the type ofTV you have and the type of display you prefer.
4:3 Letterbox Use this setting if you have a conventional 4:3 TV, and you prefer to view wide screen movies in letterbox format (with black bars at the top and bottom)
4:3 Panscan | Use this setting if you have a conventional 4:3 TV, and |
| you prefer to view wide screen movies in Pan & Scan |
| format (cropping the sides of the image) |
16:9 | Use this setting if you have a wide screen (16:9) TV. |
| Material in 16:9 format is displayed so as to fill the |
| screen. |
If you have a 4:3 TV and you have set a preference for Panscan, it does not mean you will always see movies in this format, since the Panscan display must be supported on that disc.
This setting controls the type of video given out on the Component and SCART video outputs. It is set at the factory to be appropriate for the type of TV used in your country, so it is best not to change it. If it gets set incorrectly then the picture shown on the TV will have strange colouring.
Component The video output on both the Component video (3 phonos) and SCART is Y, Pb, Pr component video.
RGB SCART The video output on both the Component video (3 phonos) and SCART is RGB. Note that if you are using RGB output via phono connectors, you will also need to use COMPOSITE as a sync signal.
This is set at the factory to be appropriate for the type of TV used in your country. Should you need to change this setting, the options are explained below.
NOTE: PAL and NTSC refer to the video standards used in Europe and North America respectively.
Auto The video output is taken from that recorded on the disc. When no movie is playing, the logo screen is displayed using the standard from the last movie.
NTSC NTSC discs will be played as NTSC, and PAL discs will not play at all, since the unit cannot convert PAL to NTSC.This is the best setting to use if your TV can only accept NTSC video (this is generally the case in North America).
PAL PAL is always used as the video standard. Note that NTSC titles are converted to PAL, but this may cause some reduction in smoothness of movement. Better results may be obtained using AUTO; however your TV must then support NTSC.
PAL60 This is ‘60Hz PAL’.This setting may allow NTSC titles to be played on certain PAL TVs that do not support NTSC.
This setting controls the ‘pedestal’ signal or black level when the NTSC video standard is used. Note that it does not affect PAL video in any way.
0 IRE This removes the pedestal from NTSC video.This setting should be used in Japan, and also if you are using RGB video, whatever the country.
7.5IRE This is the standard pedestal level that should be used in all countries that use NTSC video, with the exception of Japan.