RX3141 User’s ManualChapter 9. Configuring Firewall/NAT Settings




This option allows you to include all the computers that are connected in an


IP subnet. When this option is selected, the following fields become


available for entry:


Enter the appropriate IP address.




Enter the corresponding subnet mask.



Self (for self access

Indicates the router itself.

rule only)


Destination IP

This option allows you to set the destination network to which this rule should apply. Use the drop- down list to select one of the following options:


This option allows you to apply this rule to all the computers in the local


network for inbound traffic or any computer in the Internet for outbound



IP Address, Subnet

Select any of these options and enter details as described in the Source IP


section above.




Self (for self access

Indicates the router itself.



rule only)







In order for this option to work, user’s PC must use RX3141 as its DNS




server. The domain name variable / IP addresses association is cleared



after every system restart. Multiple ACL rules can be associated to the same



domain name / IP addresses association.



f Maximum of 30 domain name variables is supported.



f Each domain name variable / IP addresses association is updated



only when the LAN client issues the DNS query to RX3141. For



example, when entering the address “http://www yahoo.com” on



your browser, RX3141 will update the IP address association w/



www.yahoo.com in the internal database referenced by the firewall.



f Each domain name variable can be associated up to 256 IP






f Wild card character “*” is allowed in the domain name Its usage is



illurstrated in the following examples:



1. www.google.* : match www.google.com and ww.google.net



and does not match www.google.com.tw



2. www.google.*.*: match www.google.com.tw, and



www.google.com.sg and does not match www.google.com



3. .com.tw : match www.google.com.tw, www.com.tw and does



not match com.tw



4. *.com : match google.com and abc.com and does not match



www.google.com, com



5. *: match any domain name



6. . (a single dot): match any domain name





Source Port

This option allows you to set the source port to which this rule should apply. Use the drop-down list to select one of the following options:


Select this option if you want this rule to apply to all applications with an